Our Minister Search News—Save the Dates October 5 and 6

Our process of reflection and discernment includes “Beyond Categorical Thinking,” a 3-hour seminar sponsored by the UUA and your Search Committee. It’s designed for everyone in the congregation to attend, because we are all involved in the search process. The goal is to promote inclusive thinking and help prevent unfair discrimination in the minister search … Continue reading Our Minister Search News—Save the Dates October 5 and 6

News from Your Minister Search Committee

The Ministerial Search Committee was approved at the June 23rd congregational meeting, and since then we’ve been learning about each other’s strengths and weaknesses, familiarizing ourselves with UUA’s search process, and getting UUFSD into UUA’s system. That, of course, means holding meetings and filling out forms. Your Search Committee is Livia Walsh, Nancy Hebert, John … Continue reading News from Your Minister Search Committee