The UUFSD choir invites you to visit a rehearsal, try us out and consider becoming a member! The choir has 22 members and we are always looking for sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
The mission of the UUFSD Choir is to complement and enhance the Sunday worship service experience, making it more stimulating and enriching. The choir sings a wide variety of well-crafted choral compositions and arrangements, including classical, wide-ranging folk music, and selections from varying religious traditions. Attention is paid to challenging the veteran choral singer as well as involving less experienced singers. Our choral group is warm and friendly, and enjoys the hard work of preparing uplifting and varied literature. We value the fellowship experienced in meeting weekly to make music together.
Choir practice is held most Sundays from 11:30 – 1:00 and occasional Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., either just outside of or in the Founders Hall, depending on Covid restrictions. Currently the choir sings in KN95 or equivalent masks. The choir “season” runs from mid-August through mid-June, with a two month break in the summer.
Choir at Church Services
The choir sings at the Sunday service about once per month.
Music Sundays
Twice per year, in December and June, the worship service is entirely focused around a musical worship. These Music Sundays feature the UUFSD Choir and often community soloists and instrumentalists are included. Two half-day workshop retreats are held every year as preparation for the Music Sunday Concerts.
How to Join
The choir welcomes experienced singers and novices alike. If you love to sing and can make a commitment to come for rehearsals and be present when the choir sings, the choir would love to have you join them. Contact our Music Committee at music@uufsd.org for information.
Choir Attire
Singers wear black trousers or skirts, with either black tops (winter) or blue, green, or purple long sleeve tops (other seasons). The group is unified with tie-dyed stoles.
Top Reasons to Join the Choir:
- Enrich your artistic life
- Make new friends
- Blend your voice with others; experience harmony
- Expand your musicianship and vocal skills
- Deepen your cultural understanding and spiritual connection
- Improve your feeling of social well being
- Reduce your stress and elevate your mood
- It’s good for your brain
- Everyone sounds great when singing with a choir!
Choir members can access the Member Page for music schedule HERE.