For Your Enjoyment and Enrichment

Regular Activities

Annual Events

Regular Activities


Chris Lehman
UUFSD has a choir under the capable leadership of our music director. The choir performs every other Sunday and on special occasions. Please see the Stay Connected page for rehearsal time and the Choir Member page for musical selections. Our choir always welcomes new voices.
Contact: the director at

Book Club

Please see the Stay Connected page for the Book Club meeting time. We notify readers of the books that will be discussed in the Newsletter or you can contact Cathy. Anyone who reads the selected book is welcome. Contact: Cathy Leach-Phillips at

Men’s Group

About_us_Richard_MacdonaldThe focus of UUFSD’s men’s groups is to build friendship, connection, support, self-awareness, and communications skills through authentic sharing. Anyone interested in learning more about these groups should contact the groups’ coordinator, Richard Macdonald, at

Facilitator for A group (biweekly on Thursday at noon) is Chris Byrnes.


About Us John Sherman

Facilitator for B group (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) is John Sherman.

Contact: Richard, Chris, and John at

Women’s Group

The WOW (Women of the World) discussion group meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month (12:00 – 1:30 PM). A member of the group hosts each meeting. That host chooses the subject for discussion. The group usually has lunch together at the host’s home, a restaurant or UUFSD Library and occasionally takes a “field trip” together. New members are welcome.

All Ages UUFSD Art Club

Join UUFSD Art Club on the first Sunday of the month from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm in Founders’ Hall. During this time we hold space for each other to work on our own projects: drawing, painting, coloring books, knitting, jewelry making, etc. Bring your own materials and enjoy the creative camaraderie. All ages welcome. Contact for more information.

Annual Events

Annual All Fellowship Weekend at de Benneville Pines

This weekend (usually the first weekend in April) is open to everyone at the Fellowship, singles, couples, families, members, friends, visitors, and anyone else who is interested in having fun and getting better acquainted with each other. There are workshops, craft projects, games, hiking, dancing, singing, and 5 great meals. Camp de Benneville Pines is located in the San Bernardino Mountains, about 35 miles this side of Big Bear. The rustic, yet heated, cabins have modern bath facilities and bunk beds. More information about the camp can be found at

Please register for your stay at Camp De Benneville All Fellowship Weekend HERE.

Contact: Betsy Gilpin and Christie Turner at

An All Fellowship Campout at Mount Laguna – Fourth of July weekend

Each year we reserve campsites at Mt. Laguna for the Fourth of July weekend. Enthusiastic campers sign up their families to participate. Some folks arrive on the Friday night and others on Saturday. We leave on Monday afternoon. On Saturdays, we organize a community meal and variety show – a fun and wonderful way to celebrate each other. Other meals are on a family basis, but don’t be surprised if a couple of kids eat with you instead of their own families.  There are some really nice hikes right from camp. Mountain bikes are good.  Kids bring a variety of board games. Campfires and singing are part of the fun.

Contact: Patricia Cofré-Stone at