get involved

Use your talents and interests to serve the fellowship. We need hands, hearts and minds. That means sharing the work doing the chores, and joining committees. We cannot succeed in our mission without your involvement.

As UU’s we have a strong history of giving back and engaging ourselves in groups that encourage our spiritual and personal growth. UUFSD recognizes that the need to serve is as great as our need to have able heads, hearts and hands on our many committees. Consider volunteering your time and energy today. Thanks in advance!

prupose of life emerson

In building a community together, every person can make a difference.

Service Committees

Here is a list of service committees and contact information (email aliases are HERE). Don’t see any activities you like? Feel free to suggest a volunteer activity you would enjoy.

Buildings and Grounds Committee

Our grounds are kept in beautiful condition thanks to this committee. We do not hire landscapers or gardeners and have one of the most beautiful UU facilities in the region. Join us!

Building and Grounds organizes a work party, usually the first Saturday of the month, to maintain & improve the appearance and functionality of buildings & the landscape on our six and a half acres. Volunteers do most of the work with an immediate reward of a wonderful lunch prepared by volunteers that prefer to cook than to pull weeds. It’s good to share the load and make our Fellowship a beautiful welcoming place. Help is always welcomed and needed on any scheduled Saturdays.

Contact: Ed Mlakar at

Capital Campaign

The Capital Campaign Task Force is responsible for communicating to the congregation the elements of the Master Plan for our capital improvements, and our refurbishments to our campus. and for raising the funds to pay for the capital improvements the congregation votes to implement.

Contact: John Sherman


Communications Committee

Communications is an important, and fun, part of the interconnectedness of our Fellowship. In order to keep everyone up to date, we put information out in a variety of forms. In addition to this website (check out the online calendar of events, archives of past sermons, and UUFSD News), we offer a weekly newsletter, and a quarterly magazine. We also do publicity for events to which the public is invited, maintain the Bulletin Board on the Patio, do outside publicity at Facebook and offer an online Nextdoor site where members can ask questions and share information. If you have interest in writing, editing, marketing, graphic design, website maintenance, or just like knowing what’s going on, we’d love to have your participation.

Contact: Irv Himelblau at

Design Review Committee

The Design Review Committee reviews and approves all plans and specifications for planned improvements, and other projects which would alter the basic nature and appearance of the UUFSD campus. The Committee is kept informed of the progress of all projects to insure compliance with the approved plans.

Contact: Jon Luft or Irv Himmelblau at

Dream Builders

Contact: Jon Luft at
The Dream Builders are the implementing arm of the UUFSD Capital Campaign. They are responsible for improvements and refurbishments to our campus as outlined in the Capital Campaign Master Plan.



Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for monitoring and supervising the financial state of the Fellowship including investments; resolving accounting and financial control issues; and making recommendations as appropriate to Leadership. New and existing members are welcome to ask to join this committee.

Contact: Kathryn Sturch at


Joy, Fun and Fellowship Committee

This enthusiastic and creative group helps plan, support and facilitate social events such as: Holiday Festival, Seder, Thanksgiving Dinner, 4th of July picnic, potlucks, camp outs, etc. Share the joy! New members are needed always.

Contact: Louise Garrett at

Kitchen Club

Photo of Louise GarrettThis dedicated kitchen club is committed to serving beautiful, delicious food, made with LOVE. This committee also leads in keeping the kitchen in good clean running order with organization and supplies so that it can be utilized for all the functions of our community. Volunteers are needed to help with service on Sunday. We encourage you to sign up for a shift. Helping on any Sunday is always welcomed and needed.

Contact: Louise Garrett at

Library Committee

robin mitchellThis committee is responsible for the UUFSD Library, which maintains a collection of UU books and other non-fiction books of interest to members. Books are available for check out by any member for no charge. The committee also raises money for new books and library expenses through the used book “store” which is open most Sundays after the service. The committee has monthly work parties, generally during the day.

Contact: Robin Mitchell at

Membership Committee

This committee works to introduce visitors to UUFSD and guide those interested through the process of becoming members. We greet and inform visitors each Sunday, hold “New to UU” classes monthly and UUFSD Orientation Classes quarterly for those who want a more in depth understanding of Unitarian Universalism in general and our Fellowship in particular. We support new members, and all members in sustaining a meaningful connection with the Fellowship.

Contact: Betsy Gilpin at

Memorial Walkway Management

This committee has responsibility for coordinating donations, reservations, location selection, inscription and installation of individual memorial plaques on the walls of the UUFSD Memorial Walkway. Consultations are welcomed regarding Planned Giving to the Fellowship as another avenue by which to memorialize members and loved ones. More details are HERE.

Contact:Norma Showalter at

Committee on Ministry

The purpose of the Committee on Ministry (CoM) is to support and nurture the health of the congregation and its many thriving ministries, with a primary focus on operational policies, processes, and communication. The committee serves as an open channel in responding to feedback, questions or concerns, in particular paying attention to areas/issues where it may become apparent that there is a significant critical mass of congregational interest. The members of the CoM are selected by the settled minister and serve three-year staggered terms.




Pastoral Care Committee

UUFSD covenants to be a religious community of caring by offering compassionate support to members and friends in our Fellowship in times of need. Through compassionate listening, crisis support, and relevant workshop, we support a path to feeling cared for in a meaningful way consistent with our UU covenant and principles.

We respond to emergencies/urgencies that affect our congregants by mobilizing our UUFSD members and friends to assist with meals, transportation to healthcare appointments, and memorial services when needed. As an extension of our minister’s Pastoral Care presence members of the committee identify and respond to congregants in need of care and support and provide resources as needed. We also visit members in their home, hospital or other facilities as much as possible.

Each Sunday, a member of the Pastoral Care Committee (see who we are HERE) offers confidential listening to those adjusting to change, loss, illness and other significant life stressors, or who wish to share in moments of joy and celebration. Through our care and commitment, we strive to build a beloved community of strength and compassion with meaningful and lasting bonds among our members.

Contact: Livia Walsh at

Personnel Committee

Dale This committee is responsible for non-managerial personnel-related issues involving employed staff at UUFSD. Areas of involvement include coordination of staff hiring and employment agreements; medical, disability and life insurance policies; and other related concerns. In addition, the UUFSD Personnel Manual is authored and periodically updated by the Personnel Committee.
Contact: Dale Gottdank at




Religious Education Committee

The Religious Education Program for children and youth at UUFSD is a cooperative program made possible through the volunteer efforts of parents and members and led by our RE Staff. Volunteer opportunities exist working with children from preschool through high school. You can teach or assist in Sunday morning classes, greet families as they arrive, chaperone overnight events, be a driver on field trips, contribute your special talents through managing our online information, in a workshop or other activities.

Contact: Susan Hahm at

Social Justice Action Committee

Unitarian Universalism aspires to make our world a better place for all living things. We view ourselves as part of an interconnected web of existence. To meet our responsibilities, we engage in projects that assist those in immediate need, empower those who require new skills and resources to take control of their lives, and preserve the ecological balance of our planet. For more information on our programs/projects and how to participate please go HERE.


Stewardship Steering Committee

Rich Macdonald pic
Stewardship Steering Committee is responsible for overseeing fundraising and promoting a culture of generosity at UUFSD. There are three major events every year that we focus on: Pledge Drive, Annual Auction + Dining for Dollar$ and the Art Fair. In addition, we are the clearinghouse for any other group or committee at UUFSD that wants to hold a fundraiser to support their activities. Whether you want to give a lot or a little, we welcome your creative energy and input.

Contact: Rich Macdonald at


Being an usher is a wonderful opportunity to help people feel welcome, meet new people, and make a truly meaningful contribution to our community. Ushers need to be able to arrive 20-30 minutes before services and stay around 10 minutes afterward. Usher responsibilities include putting the order of service in the designated music book before congregants arrive, greeting and passing out books to members and guests at the entrance to the service, passing and collecting baskets for donations, recording in-person and zoom attendance, sorting and sealing the donations in a labeled envelope, placing the envelope in the office safe, and facilitating the return of music books to the storage crates. The Usher coordinator is responsible for recruiting, scheduling, and training usher volunteers.

To become an usher, please contact our Usher coordinator, Angie Knappenberger, at

Worship Committee


This committee, under the leadership of our minister, coordinates with our professional staff to plan and present Sunday morning worship services as well as other services and spiritually based events throughout the year. There are many aspects/elements that create a meaningful worship experience, and a diversity of talents and ideas are important. If you would like more information please contact Lisa Shaffer at

Safety and Security Committee

John Post & Antony Carter

Nominating Committee

This entry has been moved to HERE.