The Buzz Around Article II

Have you noticed the buzz around Article II? Do you know what Article II is? Not sure? Listen up. This affects you. Like UUFSD, the Unitarian Universalist Association has Bylaws first adopted in 1961 when Unitarians and Universalist joined to create one faith community. The current version of Bylaws has 15 articles covering everything from … Continue reading The Buzz Around Article II

April 29 Circle Dinners

Signups for the April 29 Circle Dinners will begin this Sunday, April 2. Look for the Circle Dinner sign in the core area after the service. Also, mark your calendars for the next Circle Dinner, which will be on May 20. If you can host on the 20th, please contact Nancy Hebert at Posted … Continue reading April 29 Circle Dinners

April 2023 Quarterly Magazine

We’re excited by the release of the April 2023 Quarterly Magazine “Dialogue.” We have our usual sections on “Happenings” and “Our Values in Action,” and a new section on “With Gratitude-Member Involvement.” We include “Communications Committee Cartoon Caption Competition,” better known as the “C.C.C.C.C, ” and a section for upcoming events. You can access the … Continue reading April 2023 Quarterly Magazine

Result of the Cartoon Caption Competition

The first Communications Committee’s Cartoon Caption Competition, better know as the “C.C.C.C.C.” was held in March. We asked members and friends to send the Communications Committee captions for our April cartoon. Here are the submittals. Communications Committee Choice “Let’s skip the announcement about metal recycling” Other Entries: Betsy Gilpin Instead of “spiritual but not religious”, … Continue reading Result of the Cartoon Caption Competition

Journeying Towards Wholeness (8th Principle Update)

Liora Kian-Gutierrez and Julia Darling have convened a task force to do a self audit within our congregation to determine where we stand in anti-racist/anti-oppression perspectives and actions. We have adopted a tool from a UU congregation in Southern Delaware to use in each committee/group in our fellowship to do a self assessment to consider … Continue reading Journeying Towards Wholeness (8th Principle Update)