Annual Pledge
Your pledge helps sustain the Fellowship and allows us to continue and expand our programs. Please pledge now to assure that UUFSD continues to be a thriving force for good within the broader community in which we live. See Frequently Asked Questions About the Pledge Drive for more information.
Important Note: We have moved to Continuous Giving
Starting fiscal year 2018-2019, the Fellowship adopted Continuous Giving, in which your pledge automatically renews from year to year, until you elect to update it. In addition, we will regularly keep you informed about your giving and periodically ask you to revisit your pledge as your needs, and the Fellowship’s, evolve.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Pledge Drive
Q. Why do we pledge?
A. This Fellowship belongs to all of us. Our pledges are the main source of income that pay for the daily operations and ensure that the Fellowship, its resources and staff are here for us now and in the future. Your annual pledge is vitally important to the sustaining of our Fellowship and is a requirement of membership.
Q. How can I make my pledge?
A. Simply fill out and submit the form above. If you have any questions, please look for Pledge Team representatives before, between and after services. You can also send your questions anytime to
Q. What is Continuous Giving?
A. Continuous Giving means that your pledge continues from year to year, until you elect to make a change.
Q. How can I make a pledge payment?
A. Click here to see options and get instructions.
Q. Why is Bill Pay the best way to pay my pledge?
A. Unless you are paying with stocks or securities, without a doubt setting up automated, monthly payments through your bank (aka Bill Pay) is the best way to pay in terms of cost per transaction, convenience, and cash flow. We call this the Blessings of Autopay!
Q. What’s the difference between the Pledge Drive and the Capital Campaign?
A. While the Pledge Drive raises money to pay for the operations of our Fellowship, the Capital Campaign is a once-in-a-generation fundraising effort to improve our infrastructure for ourselves and those who will follow. While vitally important to realizing our dreams for the future, financial commitment to Capital Campaign is completely voluntary.
Q. How much should I pledge?
A. We ask each member to Strive For Five, essentially, to aspire to give 5% of their adjusted gross income. It’s simple then to figure out what you “should” be giving and it makes you reflect on why your give and how much the Fellowship needs. With this goal in mind, let your conscience be your guide and you will be able to rest assured that you are doing your part to support the Fellowship.
Q. What if I have other questions?
A. If you have any questions during the Pledge Drive, please look for Pledge Team representatives or a Board member before, between and after services. You can also send your questions to anytime.