Author: Richard Macdonald

Visiting our Campus??

MISSING OUR BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS AND GROUNDS? So many of us are missing seeing each week the lovely grounds that make up the campus of UUFSD. I want to encourage you, if you are missing the sacredness of the Sanctuary or walking the paths and meditating, to visit our grounds. We only ask that from Monday … Continue reading Visiting our Campus??

Update from the COM

Recently, the Committee on Ministry (COM) met with our UUA representative, Sarah Gibb Millspaugh, to clarify the role of the COM. This group began as the Ministerial Search Committee, and upon Rev. Jo’s selection as our settled minister, the Search Committee became the COM. This is common practice for the first year of a settled … Continue reading Update from the COM

Dialogue Quarterly Magazine

January 2021 Dialogue Quarterly Magazine The January 2021 Dialogue Magazine is highlighting our UUFSD efforts for “UU The Vote” and a long deserved look at our Camp deBenneville Pines. The UUFSD “UU the Vote” action was an extraordinary example of the potential for member involvement in a cause that proved to be pivotal for our … Continue reading Dialogue Quarterly Magazine

Written piece from Canada UU

January 7, 2021 We write, as Unitarian Universalists, concerned by the frightful political uprising and events occurring in the US this week. Our spirits are with all who are impacted, and we share anger, frustration, and fear around these threats. Many Canadian Unitarian Universalists have roots in, or close ties to, the US, and many … Continue reading Written piece from Canada UU

We are Love in Action Vigil

Topic: We are Love in Action Vigil Time: Jan 7, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 958 9324 7407 Passcode: 884813 Posted by Alison ALG McLeod

Book Club through Zoom

We’re discussing books by classic authors, one novel and one nature/travel log. Date: Jan 11, 6:30pm Book: O Pioneers! by Willa Cather (1913) Can orphan Alexandra Bergson keep her family and its farm alive in early 20th-century Nebraska? This is the first of Cather’s books in the Great Plains trilogy. Topic: UUFSD Book Club hosted … Continue reading Book Club through Zoom