Author: Richard Macdonald

November Circle Dinners

We have one Circle Dinner scheduled for November 25 (the Saturday after Thanksgiving). If you are interested in hosting an a dinner that weekend, please contact Nancy Hebert at [email protected]. If you would like to sign up, the signupgenius link is: Signups will also be available some Sundays after the service. Posted by Nancy … Continue reading November Circle Dinners

Bridging the Gap

Thanks to the following individuals and couples who donated to help pay for the repair of our three aging walkways: Jan Berlin Caroline Demar Karen Eckhart Betsy Gilpin Alisa Guralnick Leslie Gomez Darren & Erilynn Heinrichsen Irv Himelblau & Livia Walsh James & Courtney Huber Richard Macdonald Christine Maciulla & Bryan Furbe Elizabeth Michel Ed … Continue reading Bridging the Gap

Circle Dinners

The next Circle Dinners will be held on Saturday, October 28. We have three dinners lined up this month. To sign up, click on the following link: You can also sign up for circle dinners most, but not all, Sundays after the service. If you are interested in hosting a dinner in either November … Continue reading Circle Dinners

Climate Action Now

UUFSD Climate Action Task Force, will sponsor a hands on demo of the Climate Action Now app on Sunday October 15 in the core area after the morning service. So bring your bring your smart phone along and find out how easy it is to make a difference. Posted by Ted Foster