UUFSD-the-Vote: Writing Postcards and Letters

UUFSD-the-Vote is sponsoring postcard and letter writing. Come to the core area after the Oct 2 service. This is the last day to pickup supplies and instructions for this project. See Ted Foster in the core area. For more information email vote@uufsd.org For more information email vote@uufsd.org Posted by Ted Foster

Beyond Solana Beach: UUFSD Generosity Sunday

One of the ways our congregation participates in outreach and social justice work is to periodically dedicate a Sunday offering to an organization or project that serves the community or the cause of social justice. UUFSD members may initiate considerations by referring an organization. The organization then submits an application. More information and the downloadable … Continue reading Beyond Solana Beach: UUFSD Generosity Sunday

With Gratitude

WITH GRATITUDE The Social Justice in Action (SJA) Committee would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Julia Darling and John Post. Julia was the coordinator of our SJA Racial Justice Program. During her tenure, the fellowship was instrumental in creating the Showing Up For Racial Justice, North San Diego County Chapter, … Continue reading With Gratitude

Kids Shoes & Clothing Drive

Religious Education and Social Justice are joining together to collect gently used shoes and clothes for three Guatemalan families that we have supported in various ways over the last four years. Don’t have any gently used hand-me-downs? Consider donating cash/check to help us purchase these items. Bring to the Religious Education Table on the patio … Continue reading Kids Shoes & Clothing Drive