Worship Associate Update and Training Feb. 19th

Join your friends in leading our Sunday Services. Be a Worship Associate (WA). And if you are one, please join this meeting for the latest updates and guidance by Rev Ellie on being an excellent WA.Sunday February 19 following the service. At the Palmer Library. Posted by Chris Byrnes

Gun Violence Prevention Action

THROUGH JANUARY 31, 2023 CALIFORNIA HAS SUFFERED SEVEN MASS SHOOTINGS, WITH 32 DEATHS AND 29 INJURED. State Senators Catherine Blakespeare and Nancy Skinner have introduced California Senate Bill 8, that would require California gun owners to obtain liability insurance for the negligent or accidental use of their firearms. If enacted , the bill would make … Continue reading Gun Violence Prevention Action

Courageous Love Awards – Sunday, January 29, 2023

Courages Love Awards – Sunday, January 29, 2023 The Courageous Love Award is for individuals or organizations that have exhibited courageous love and touched hearts. Presenting a Courageous Love Award is our opportunity to reach beyond your core social justice folks, and to engage your whole congregation or community in social justice work. It is … Continue reading Courageous Love Awards – Sunday, January 29, 2023

This Week in Family Ministry

This Week in Family Ministry Sunday Children’s Religious Education Classes: 1/15/23, RE will take place after the Intergenerational Sharing during the 10:00 AM Service. This week, we’ll be divided into three groups: Toddler/Pre-K, in the Footprints classroom, 1st – 3rd in the Treetops classroom and 4th – 6th in the library. Looking Ahead · All-ages … Continue reading This Week in Family Ministry

UUFSD Art Club

Sunday, February 5, 12 noon to 2 pm, Founders Hall Adapted from the Muse Is In: You are invited to participate in one of the most powerful creative tools: Working with others on your own thing. UUFSD Art Club holds the space for you with the agreement that you hold the space for others, as … Continue reading UUFSD Art Club

January 2023 Quarterly Magazine

The January 2023 edition of the UUFSD quarterly magazine “Dialogue” is available on line ( https://uufsd.org/news/publications/quarterly-magazine/) and in hard copy in the core area. In this issue we continue to explore our collective “Journey To Our Deepest Selves.” We also look back at the many Social Justice actions we undertook and the fantastic social events … Continue reading January 2023 Quarterly Magazine