Author: Richard Macdonald

Online Signups for July Circle Dinners

The July Circle Dinners will be on Saturday, July 29! Over the summer, in-person signups after the service will be not be available every week. Please sign up online at If you have questions or issues connection to the link, please contact [email protected]. Posted by Nancy Hebert

July 4th Celebration

California experienced its first celebration of American Independence Day on July 4, 1847, from a hill overlooking Los Angeles. Early that morning, at sunrise, U.S. occupational troops stationed at Fort Moore, commanded by 2nd Lieutenant John W. Davidson, 1st U.S. Dragoons, raised the stars and stripes with a 13-gun artillery salute. The Fourth of July— … Continue reading July 4th Celebration


FILL A BELLY – 185 NORTH COAST HIGHWAY, ENCINITAS – TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023 We will distribute food at Fill A Belly, Encinitas, on Tuesday, July 25, 2023. A sign up sheet will be available at the Social Justice table on Sundays, starting on June 11. We are being asked to supply a main meal, … Continue reading FILL A BELLY ENCINITAS

June Circle Dinners

Signups for the June 24 Circle Dinners will begin this Sunday! We could still use another host (or 2) for June 24, and I am also looking for people to help with Sunday signups in the core area over the summer. Please contact [email protected] to participate! Posted by Nancy Hebert

Summer Circle Dinners

Some of you have expressed interest in continuing Circle Dinners over the summer, but to do that we need hosts! The summer dates are planned for June 26, July 29, and August 26. If you would like to host a dinner, please email [email protected]. Thanks!

Election: Board of Directors, Officers, Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee has completed its work to identify candidates for Board Member, Officer and Nominating Committee positions beginning 07/01/23. We are grateful for the experience, qualifications, enthusiasm and commitment these members will bring. UUFSD Directors and Nominating Committee members are elected by the congregation at the June 11, 2023, Annual Meeting. Details of the … Continue reading Election: Board of Directors, Officers, Nominating Committee