The Making of a Minister (Eli Snider)

Many of you may remember Eli Snider, who was a very active UUFSD member. He moved home to Spokane, Washington in 2018 and has since completed a Master of Divinity degree and earned Preliminary Fellowship status with the UUA. He is ready to be ordained as a UU minister, and has asked us, UUFSD, his home congregation, to ordain him. The UUFSD Board, on behalf of the congregation, enthusiastically agreed to Eli’s request. The big day is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 13, at 1:00 pm, with a reception immediately afterwards. It will also be available on Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Please mark your calendar and RSVP at

Eli is a great communicator (you may remember his wonderful auctioneering at several of our past auctions) and he put together a short video to share his journey with the congregation. You can watch it here:

Eli will be the first person ordained by UUFSD, and it marks an important milestone in the history of our Fellowship. We want to make it a very special occasion for Eli and for the whole community. We look forward to seeing everyone on Nov. 13. If you have any questions, please contact the ordination team at

Posted by Lisa Shaffer