SURJ – NCSD News for Newcomers and More – DATE CHANGED

News for Newcomers and More

July Newcomer’s Meeting—back by popular demand!

THIS Saturday, July 11, 2020, 10:00 – 11:30 am

If you are new to Showing Up for Racial Justice North County, welcome! Join us Saturday, July 11th via Zoom to get introduced to Showing Up for Racial Justice’s goals and practices, as well as provide opportunities for putting your unique gifts and talents to work. A link will be sent out on Monday along with a password to access the meeting. We look forward to meeting you and making change together.


White People for Racial Justice 101, July 18, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

White People for Racial Justice 201, Aug 15, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

SURJ San Diego and SURJ NCSD are teaming up to lead these interactive workshops where we will discuss the basics of white supremacy, privilege, and fragility. We will also go over practical tools for unlearning your own biases, identifying everyday racism and taking action to fight for racial equality. Taken the 101/201 before? Reply to this email to let us know if you’d like to learn to facilitate one. Keep an eye out for an invitation link.


Want to make a difference and meet more SURJ folks?
Join an interest group:

Event Planning/Strategic Organizing:

This is a group that will plan and organize local meetings, coordinate membership involvement in local and national events, protests, and other activities as requested by allied agencies. Basically, work with all other groups when needed to coordinate events.

Policy /Legislation/Legal:

This is a group that will coordinate alongside allies for policy and legislation efforts and will assist with legal aid to help keep us all out of jail, and when needed, bail members out of jail and/or represent SURJ NCSD in court. Conferring on local laws and statutes. This group will also include courtroom presence, witnesses, and monitoring. Efforts may include, research, attending city council meetings, writing letters and emails, phone banking etc.

Social Media:

This group will include monitoring and posting on social media accounts, commenting on allied accounts, posting events and updates as well as monitoring ally accounts for updates, creating original and engaging content, and broadcasting live video feeds and creating watch parties.


This group will involve creating original designs for signage, flyers, newsletters, social media graphics, PowerPoint presentations, meme’s, writing, copy-writing, and editing, photography, videography, video production and editing etc. Creative people please jump in here!

Finance and accounting:

This group will include those who can assist with financial planning, bank accounts, donation disbursement, tax compliance, non-profit status, grant writing, and basically making sure we stay compliant with financial laws.

Public Relations and Media:

This group will be responsible for promoting and publicly representing SURJ NCSD in the media. This may include writing blogs, letters to the editor, Op Ed pieces for publication, and press releases as well as handling media interviews and press conferences.


This group will assist with technical needs from website assistance and computer hardware and software to apps, audio/video, and cyber safety, and security. When we resume live meetings this group will manage audio/video set up and operations and may work in cooperation with the Creative group to produce video content.

Community Outreach:

This group will be responsible for outreach to the community, building and maintaining relationships with members, providing education to the community about SURJ’S mission and values. This group will also include outreach and liaison to ally organizations and will seek guidance from them in ways to best support their goals. This may also include voter outreach and working in conjunction with voter registration organizers. Will work in cooperation with Membership working group.


This group will be responsible for welcoming new members, helping to educate them about SURJ missions and values as well as walking with and mentoring them through the process of 101, 201, and staying in community with members to insure that they are feeling grounded, connected, involved, and valued.


This group will be responsible for scheduling and developing ongoing education opportunities for SURJ NCSD membership as well as providing education to the community. This may include teaching classes in the community and other agencies as well as youth outreach and education, and book clubs. A sub-set of this group will work in local communities to evaluate and formulate education and school district policies and procedures.


This group will assist with multitude of administrative needs in support of the chapter and leadership. Helpful skills would be organization, data processing, data entry, data analysis, calendaring, scheduling, and vital administrative assistant skills to help insure everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.

Just reply to this email with what group your’re interested in and we’ll get you signed up. Please be sure to include your best contact phone number.


If any of you feel like you’re missing updates, it may be due to your email, especially Gmail. Often bulk emails get thrown into the Promotions or Social folder. Putting into your contacts should help. If not, reply to this email and we’ll help you figure out a solution.

CARAVAN SUNDAY, JULY 5th, 11:00 am

Car caravan honoring Jonathon Coronel.
Vista Creek Park, 101 Wave Drive, Vista.


It’s not a celebration for everyone. Watch this powerful YouTube video here, and let us know what you think.


Thanks to our member Tina Zucker’s gift, we have a presentation remote for when we’re back in live meetings. No more scampering to change the slide in PowerPoint. Thanks, Tina!

SURJ North County San Diego is part of a national network of groups and individuals working to undermine white supremacy and to work toward racial justice. We work hard to bring you these updates.

Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of this work.