Your fellow members and friends at UUFSD have begun planning our first live in-person auction in years! The theme is Spring to Life and the date is April 20, 2024.
Put it on your calendar now, but don’t wait to get involved. As a result of the Board’s visioning event a month ago, nineteen people volunteered to make this event happen. The steering committee is Andi Macleod, Rich Macdonald and Mary Anne Trause, representing the Board and Stewardship. There are eight teams that have already begun planning. They include:
Auction (silent, live, donations)
All eh team can use more help. Let someone on the steering committee know where you’d like to be involved, and you will be connected. Our next planning meeting will be Saturday January 6,2024. Jump in now to make this celebration of our community spring to life!
Posted by Mary Anne Trause