Save the Date: Forum on the Future of UUFSD – April 21

Save the Date: Forum on the Future of UUFSD
Sunday, April 21, 11:15ish – noon

Sunday, April 21, after the service, you are invited to a forum to consider the future of our beloved Fellowship. We are at a crossroad, an inflection point, where we must choose to invest in making our sacred space a safer, more accessible and sustainable space for now and for those who come after us or see continued deterioration in our campus infrastructure.

Thanks for the founders of UUFSD and many who came after them, we have been given a unique and extraordinary campus for our beloved community. Over more than sixty years, time has taken its toll on our facilities. As our congregation has evolved, so have our needs, as well as the rules and requirements for safety, accessibility, environmental protection, and sustainability.

More than ten years ago, we embarked on a campus renovation program and raised substantial funds. Some of those funds enabled big improvements, including RE classrooms, kitchen, stairs, bridges, and the administration building. What remains to be addressed is the amphitheater and needed safety and accessibility infrastructure. We have invested much time, talent, and money in developing and updating plans to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), California Coastal Commission, and the City of Solana Beach to arrive at this inflection point in the story of UUFSD.

Will we find the will and the commitment to keep on moving forward? How can you help? Let’s talk and listen and create the path to a safer, more accessible, more sustainable UUFSD. Please join us Sunday, April 21 after the service. Snacks will be provided.

Posted by Lisa Shaffer