Board Meeting on Capital Improvements Phase 2 Bids – Dec 22

Dear UUFSD Members and Friends,

A quick follow up to our email of 12/18/2024 with the subject line Important Update: Capital Improvements Phase 2 Bids.

It has come to the Board’s attention that one decision regarding proceeding with Phase 2 of our Capital Improvements Plan cannot wait until January 12th to be made. A permit extension application is coming due in early February, and if we miss that deadline, our ability to advance Phase 2, Phase 3, or any other project on campus will essentially come to an end for the foreseeable future.

The Board is, therefore, calling a meeting with one item on the agenda: a decision as to whether to remove 19 parking spaces from the Phase 2 project, or defer the construction of those parking spaces to a future phase. Note that Dream Builders recommend we choose to defer the construction of the spaces rather than eliminate them.

This Board Meeting will be held after Sunday’s service on 12/22/24. It will be held in Founder’s Hall beginning at 11:30. All are welcome to attend.

In Fellowship,

Your UUFSD Board of Directors
[email protected]