Healthy Potluck For All — Sunday 4/30

Bring a healthy plant-based dish for a fabulous luncheon. Let’s ALL participate! If you need ideas or help on adapting your favorite recipes, contact: Linda Luisi, Lisa Shaffer, or Denise Clark through or through our church directory.

Many of us are not aware of the differences and nutritional value of plant-based diets. Also, we should be aware of their environmental impact in that they require less energy and produce less waste than a meat-centered diet. A vegan diet excludes all animal products (meat, poultry, fish, dairy & eggs), whereas a vegetarian diet excludes only meat, poultry, & fish.

Please label your dish. Extension cords will be available for crock pots and the kitchen will be available for cooking and food preparation.

For planning purposes, please contact Linda Luisi through

(Additional assistance is always appreciated.)
$5.00 Donation

We can use more dishes, and hope any and all carnivores reading the website will understand it’s for them to explore new recipes too..

Folks can contact us at service or thru the directory if they need help–There’s always the office (Denise) if they do not have the directory.

Thanks from the Climate Action Group!!

Posted by Linda Luisi