Use the following forms from the Website and Breeze to make requests.

Publication forms

Submit an Announcement for the Newsletter, OOS, Website, Facebook

Religious Education forms

Register a child for Religious Education for all members and visitors to go to religious education on Sunday (required once per year)

Finance & Stewardship forms

Special Collection Request Form to request a new Fund be created to accept donations during a Special Collection

Expense Authorization Form to get approval for an expenditure and reimbursement

Request a Grant from the Endowment to get a grant for some qualifying activity inside or outside the Fellowship.

Make a pledge of financial support for the current pledge drive.

Request an Endowment Grant

UUFSD Member information forms

Request more information about our Fellowship for new visitors.

Member Status Change Form. (Breeze)

Camp de Benneville Pines

Registration for family camp

Social Justice

Generosity Sunday application form