SURJncsd Quarterly Meeting

Date(s) - 09/19/2023
7:30 am - 8:30 am

Categories No Categories

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 7-8:30 pm
Zoom Link
The Trauma of Incarceration on Mentally Ill People
Please join us as the SURJNCSD Law Enforcement Accountability Group (LEAG) hosts TREAT M.I. DONT MISTREAT M.I. /#MOMSAGAINSTTORTURE

Cheryl Canson from Treat M.I. will share her lived experiences with the poor mental health care system in our jails and prisons and how their organization and others collaborate to advocate against mentally ill people being thrown in cages where treatment is not adequate. Please read this article before the meeting to learn more about what Treat M.I. is about.

John R. Chamberlin, LCSW will also be sharing his experience of working with people at Donovan Correctional Facility and other work he has done.

SURJNCSD has been working through the Citizens Law Enforcement Review Board (CLERB) for 2-1/2 years to try to bring this and other issues relating to incarcerations and deaths in our jails. Some strides have been made by our members attending CLERB meetings and publicly protesting along with San Diego Racial Justice Coalition and North County Equity & Justice Coalition, but there is much more to do.
Want to learn more or get involved? We have something for you. SURJNCSD is working on four main issues currently. Find out more and how you can get involved at this meeting. Join here on Zoom: