Date(s) - 03/16/2024
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
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Today we all have a streak of humanism—even mystics and cultists trust science to get their TV turned on. But humanism as a candid and explicit worldview is relatively rare, despite centuries of influence on the modern world. Humane values, empiricism, secularism, and skepticism of received authority are reflected in The Humanist Manifesto published by the American Humanist Association. We’ll be looking at the third revision of The Humanist Manifesto, published in 2003, as if it were a sacred text, with close reading and discussion. How does it fit with UUism? Is it a theology (a word meaning “study of God”)? Come join in discussing the worldview that fueled the Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution, and development of democracy and human rights. Hosted by Mark Tuller.
Please join us on Saturday, March 16, at 11 am in Founders Hall or online on Zoom. Email to get on the mailing list for information and zoom details.