Article II — The Great Debate

Date(s) - 05/05/2024
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Founders Hall at UUFSD

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The Great Debate: “Principles” versus “Values”

Sunday, May 5, 2024, 11:30am

Article II of the UUA bylaws contains the core of our faith – our “Principles” and “Sources”. A dramatic revision to Article II will be voted on this June at the UUA General Assembly. The revision replaces our “Principles” with “Values. For each Value, we are asked to covenant to specific actions. Our Six “Sources” are eliminated and replaced by a paragraph about “Inspiration”. Is this revision too great a departure from the historical roots of Unitarian Universalism? Come to the debate in Founders’ Hall on May 5 after service!

When the two radical, but theologically divergent, religious groups, the Unitarians and Universalists, joined together in 1961, they uncovered the (tiny) overlap between their two theologies, and came up with the 7 Principles.

Now 60 years later, with a merged religion that has become increasingly cohesive, can we do any better at articulating our theological purpose? Have we grown or changed at all?

Which one — the 7 Principles or the 7 Values — more accurately reflects who we are today, and what we do? Which one is most closely aligned with our activities in the pulpit and in society, and which one gives a more accurate description of us for new visitors to see?

The debate will focus on the differences between the 7 Principles and the 7 Values given by two of our esteemed members. The debate will be moderated by our beloved Minister Rev Ellie Kilpatrick, and facilitated by our distinguished panel of Article II Task Force members. Your part will be to come with an open mind, to listen and to ask questions (in writing).

And then the VOTING will begin and will proceed for about a month. Please wait to decide your vote until after the debate; otherwise you will be making a decision on incomplete information..

Pizza and salad for everyone!!
Childcare will be provided.

Mark your calendar! This important event will also be streamed and recorded. Contact Mark Tuller at