Covid Protocol Update

In response to the changing conditions surrounding Covid, the Board is once updating our onsite protocols. Effective immediately, masks will no longer be required when we are outdoors at UUFSD, and we will once again be able to offer drinks and refreshments in our outdoor core area during coffee hour. In cases of rain or inclement weather, the service will be held in Founders’ Hall. Indoors, masks will continue to be required for all 2 years and older until our Covid risk level decreases enough to be within the “High” range according to Covid Act Now data. Daily cases/100k have been dropping sharply and San Diego County now falls in the “Very High” range (25 – 75 cases/100k). We will continue to require proof of being fully vaccinated for all 5 years and older. Religious Education classes will continue to be held outdoors.

Posted by Angie Knappenberger