Planet-Healthy Potluck (A Climate Action) – April 28

“Planet-Healthy Potluck“ hosted by UUFSD’s Climate Action Task Force (CATF) Sunday April 28. 11:00am-noon Let’s ALL participate! Bring a healthy plant-based dish for a fabulous outdoor luncheon. If you want to eat a more plant based diet, this potluck makes it easy. If you discovered a delicious plant based dish, this is when to share … Continue reading Planet-Healthy Potluck (A Climate Action) – April 28

2024 de Benneville Family Camp – April 12 – 14

With wildflowers, rushing streams, and lush foliage, this promises to be a beautiful de Benneville weekend for our fellowship. Among the offerings will be crafts and such with our new DRE, Rose, a writing workshop with Eberly, yoga with Wenda, meditation with Christie, several hikes, games for kids, and Improv on Saturday night with Linda … Continue reading 2024 de Benneville Family Camp – April 12 – 14

Generosity Sunday Offering: March 17, 2024

On Sunday, March 17, we dedicate our Sunday offering in support of the North County LGBTQ Resource Center, which envisions and supports a community where everyone lives in equality, feels accepted, valued, safe and free from social stigma. UUFSD donations will directly support its Unicorn Homes project, which strives to provide crisis and transitional housing … Continue reading Generosity Sunday Offering: March 17, 2024

Social Justice quarterly meeting — March 11, 6:30 PM on Zoom

Every on is Welcome to attend our quarterly Social Justice Action meeting on zoom March 11 at 6:30 PM We will be discussing the shared 2024 goals for the group and some limited business items. Please bring all of your ideas for this group. Kathy Posted by Kathy Faller

Interested in Serving on the Board of Directors?

At our June Congregational Meeting we will elect two new Directors to serve for three-year terms. This is an important role with responsibility and authority for UUFSD’s ministry and operations. The Nominating Committee is now recruiting members to apply for one of these seats on the Board of Directors. If you are interested in learning … Continue reading Interested in Serving on the Board of Directors?