Circle Dinners

The next circle dinners will be held on Saturday, January 27. We have two hosts, but could use another host or two to be sure everyone who wants to join a dinner has the opportunity! The Signup Genius link to sign up is: I am also looking for a couple of people who have … Continue reading Circle Dinners

Congregational Meeting

The Congregational Meeting will be held in Founders Hall on Sunday, January 28 at 11:30. Please come to hear updates on the status of our Fellowship, its finances, the Dream Builders, the Capital Campaign, the Endowment Fund, and our new expanded Religious Education and Fellowship program. Hear about opportunities for service from the Nominating Committee … Continue reading Congregational Meeting

Kitchen Staff Needed

As you know, our wonderful Louise has resigned from being the Kitchen maven. It was suggested that we divide up the job to make it less burdensome on one person. 1. Maintain sign-up genius staffing calendar, including a list of emergency staffers if someone cannot come at the last minute. 2. Do the shopping for … Continue reading Kitchen Staff Needed

Adult RE – Owning Your Religious Past

Join us the second Wednesday of each month as we explore our own religious pasts. Contact [email protected] to sign up and receive the zoom link. This workshop provides some simple tools through which people may reexamine and retrieve positive aspects of past religious connections. It addresses the affective elements of these connections, rather than dogma. … Continue reading Adult RE – Owning Your Religious Past

Interfaith Overnight Shelter

Through the Overnight Shelter Network, UUFSD will again cooperate with St. James Catholic Church to provide shelter and meals for individuals who are experiencing homelessness. St. James will provide the facility and we will provide dinners, hosted meals, and hosts to spend the night from 1/28/24 through 2/4/24. UUFSD has been providing these services for … Continue reading Interfaith Overnight Shelter