To parents of University of California (UC) students: Please call for the UC Regents to acknowledge and call for: an end to the genocide in Gaza fully divest from weapons manufacturers (and other targets of the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement) an immediate arms embargo on weapons to Israel immediately increase and formalize protections … Continue reading PALESTINE-ISRAEL JUSTICE GROUP UC REGENTS’ PARENTS’ PLEDGE

Immigration Protest – Feb. 15

The SJA Immigration Support Group encourages members and friends to participate in a demonstration to express your First Amendment Rights against current immigration policies. The demonstration is sponsored by Showing Up For Racial Justice, North County San Diego. Wear your Standing on the Side of Love T-Shirt. Make signs to express your position on immigration. … Continue reading Immigration Protest – Feb. 15

Climate Conversations

Ah, Valentine’s Day! Love is in the air, as is the aroma of CHOCOLATE! Yes, we Americans express our love on Cupid’s holiday by purchasing 58 million pounds of chocolate. How romantic! Well, not so much. Turns out that chocolate production “generates large greenhouse gas emissions compared to other foods and frequently relies on exploitative … Continue reading Climate Conversations

Just Spirits

For the many among us who are weary, and find our spirits drained as we do the work for justice, Rev. Ellie would like to offer a weekly space this just for tending to our spirits as we navigate increasing injustice in the world. Join Rev. Ellie for this drop in space on zoom, every … Continue reading Just Spirits

Social Justice Action Committee (SJA) – February 23

The SJA will meet on Sunday, February 23, from 11:30am to 1pm, in Founders Hall. A light lunch will be served. We acknowledge that these are, and will continue to be, times requiring innovative responses to potentially harmful social challenges. This meeting is open to all members and friends interested in our Social Justice agenda … Continue reading Social Justice Action Committee (SJA) – February 23

Time to Apply for an Endowment Grant—Any Member, Any Use

Apply until April 15, using the simple form found on the Endowment web page HERE. Send your application to [email protected]. Grants may be for anything consistent with UU values —- social justice, outreach, UU camps, social service agencies, spiritual or economic need, campus maintenance, and so on, whether internal or external. Past grants have included … Continue reading Time to Apply for an Endowment Grant—Any Member, Any Use