Author: Richard Macdonald


“REMEMBRANCES – CELEBRATIONS OF LIFE” In this edition we honor the lives of Barbara Blomgren and Ashley Phillips. Their passing is our loss. May we keep the memories of their gifts and generosity in our hearts. You can access the newest “Remembrances” publication HERE

Apply Now for an Endowment Grant! Any Member or Committee Can Apply

Grants may be for any use consistent with UU values—social justice, outreach, UU camps, social service agencies, support of spiritual or economic need, campus renovation or maintenance, or other internal or external projects not otherwise covered by the regular UUFSD budget or other grants. Use the brief form below to apply to the Planned Giving … Continue reading Apply Now for an Endowment Grant! Any Member or Committee Can Apply

Wood Stair Treads – Free

Stair treads removed from the main stair way during the recently completed main stairway renovation project are available for repurposing. Approximately 20 of the treads in relatively good condition are being offered to the congregation. The treads are believed to be douglas fir, 4″ x 8″ and 8 ft long. If you are interested please … Continue reading Wood Stair Treads – Free