Author: Richard Macdonald

Become a Pen Pal

In 2022, members and friends at UUFSD wrote Holiday Greetings to prisoners throughout the country who found UUism while incarcerated, now members of the Church of the Larger fellowship (CLF). After taking a prerequisite correspondence course on Unitarian Universalism, our incarcerated members are eligible for a pen pal. The CLF Leadership Team is working hard … Continue reading Become a Pen Pal

Circle Dinner Signups!

The next Circle Dinners are Saturday, February 25. To sign up, find the Circle DInner sign in the core area after the service, or contact Nancy Hebert at We have 3 dinners scheduled at this point, and they are starting to fill up! If you are interested in hosting another dinner that evening, contact … Continue reading Circle Dinner Signups!

Be a Candle of Care

Be A Candle of Care Pastoral Care is a core component of our beloved community as it strengthens the meaning and experience of community. Every caring action is a compassionate action. We can all participate in caring for our community through a variety of compassionate actions. Here are some ways you can be a “Candle … Continue reading Be a Candle of Care

The UUFSD 8th Principle Journeying Toward Wholeness Task Force.

With the support of the UUFSD Board of Directors we are now officially seeking partners to join The UUFSD 8th Principle Journeying Toward Wholeness Task Force. We seek Fellowship friends who identify with the normative white culture, those who consider themselves a person of color (person of the global majority) or are raising children who … Continue reading The UUFSD 8th Principle Journeying Toward Wholeness Task Force.

Save the Date: emma’s revolution in concert, March 25

“Building connection, love and justice through song,” is what emma’s revolution (Pat Humphries and Sandy O) is about. Join these inspiring singer-songwriter-activists for a live concert Saturday, March 25. 7:00 pm, in Founder’s Hall. Save the date: Ticket information will be available soon.