On Saturday March 15 from 11-1, the auction item, Awaken the Poet Within, will be held in Founders Hall. Even if you didn’t buy it at the auction, you’re invited to join Encinitas poet Dr. Marit Anderson for a two-hour workshop on writing poetry.
Whether a novice or experienced, try your hand at Ekphrastic and Acrostic poems. Easier than they sound, they include art as a prompt for a poem or a word written vertically down the page to begin the lines of your poem. This is a workshop to get your mojo going. No critique. Just fun creating in a supportive group. Marit has led Awaken the Poet Within for years at the Encinitas Library. She’s also the emcee for the Full Moon Poetry Slams at La Paloma Theater. If you’re interested, email Mary Anne at [email protected]. A $25 donation to the auction is suggested.
Posted by Mary Anne Trause