Sept. 15th Worship Service, “UUs: The Ways We’re Alike Are Totally Different”.

Sunday, September 15, 2024. Worship Speaker, Tom Packard

“UUs: The Ways We’re Alike Are Totally Different”.

A quote from Dale Berra, son of the famous baseball player Yogi Berra, known for his unique quotes as well as his Hall of Fame career, will set the stage for reflections about similarities and differences among UUs, similarities and differences that we have with others, and how we could examine these, especially regarding race, ethnicity, and class, to inform and enrich our contacts, especially with non-UUs. What are some of the uniqueness of our denomination? How are we similar to and different from other denominations? How do similarities and differences affect how we relate to each other and the larger world? How much attention do we and should we pay to differences and similarities as we relate to each other? Should we consciously reach out to those with different backgrounds than our own? This exploration will be addressed through the sharing of a personal spiritual journey, with special attention to how views of diversity can affect one’s core values and daily life. More questions than answers will be provided.

Tom is a professor emeritus in the School of Social Work at SDSU, where he specialized in administration and social policy. He has been an organization development consultant, including 6 ½ years in the Organization Effectiveness Program in the City of San Diego, and consultation with other governmental organizations and nonprofits. Prior to that, he worked at Bellevue Hospital in New York City, a runaway center, and a residential treatment program for teens. He has been a member of Showing Up For Racial Justice-North County since 2020. He occasionally jams on Fridays at Orpheus Park. He and Leslie joined First Church in the mid-1980s, where their son Adam experienced his birth celebration, RE, and Coming of Age. They joined UUFSD in 2005 after Tom and Carolyn Owen-Towle retired from First Church. Leslie taught for 26 years at Ada Harris School in Cardiff.

Posted by Livia Walsh