The UUFSD Board of Directors has approved the creation of a Leadership Council. The purpose of the Council is to establish better communication among UUFSD committees, groups and the congregation as a whole. The Council, at the recommendation of Rev Ellie, formed Clusters, each consisting of one or more committees/groups. Each cluster has an identified representative. The Council will assist in identifying areas of Cluster interactions and encourage program/project communication and collaboration. The intention is to support the Fellowship’s mission and vision.

The Cluster Representatives will communicate with their respective cluster members to identify opportunities, concerns or issues for COUNCIL discussion and action.

Chair: Rev. Ellie Kilpatrick
Administration: Representative: Angie Knappenberger
Site Maintenance/Improvements: Representative: Jon Luft
Financial: Representative: Kathryn Sturch
Worship: Representative: Livia Walsh
Communications: Representative: Chris Byrnes
Pastoral Care: Representative: Barbara Walker
Social Justice Action: Representative: Irv Himelblau
Fun and Fellowship: Representative Linda Luisi
Spiritual Groups: Representative: Linda Pratt

Posted by Irv Himelblau