Time to vote: Article II; current or new?

On May 5, we will start voting regarding a UUA initiative that either needs (vote YES) or does not deserve our support (vote NO). The result will control our Fellowship’s four votes at the annual UUA General Assembly.

The Article II Committee will be collecting ballots after the debate and then Sunday services all month. During the week the ballot box will be stored in the Office. If you cannot get to Sunday service then you can vote by mailing a hand-made ballot to the office.

After Sunday service everyone attending will get a small envelope with a ballot card in it. Put your printed name and signature on the envelope and the completed ballot in the envelope and seal it. Place your envelope into the ballot box near Founders Hall exit. The Article II committee will keep a count of envelopes inserted.

Instructions for creating your own mail-in ballot will be in next week’s newsletter.

In order to assure that individual votes are anonymous the completed ballots will be removed from their envelopes in early June with as many witnesses as we can convince to watch. After all ballots have been removed the ballots will be tabulated and the resulting Fellowship vote published.

The Article II committee wishes to thank all Fellowship members for their thoughtful participation.

Posted by Chris Byrnes