Annual Congregational Meeting

Our annual Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, June 11th, 2023, immediately following our service. We will meet in Founders’ Hall.

The meeting will be available to those on Zoom via the same link as the service. Voting Members attending virtually will be able to fully participate in the meeting providing their cameras are on so their identify can be confirmed.

Our By-Laws require that we announce any business that will be transacted at least ten days ahead of time. Accordingly, please be advised that we will be voting on the items of business as noted below. The first three items are election slates proposed by our Nominating Committee, and we sincerely thank them for their excellent work in developing these nominations. However, per our By-Laws, nominations for these positions shall be closed only after an opportunity has been given to Voting Members at the Annual Meeting to make further nominations, each with the nominee’s prior consent.

Items of Business Requiring a Vote

1. Candidate Slate for Board of Directors (3-year Terms begin July 1, 2023)
Julia Darling
Pamela Parker

2. Officers (Term is July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)
Mary Anne Trause – President
Andi MacLeod – Vice President

3. Nominating Committee (2-year Terms begin July 1, 2023)
Greg Brown
Alisa Guralnick
Angie Knappenberger

4. Annual 2023-2024 Budget

Please see these links to review the budget the Board of Directors will be presenting for your approval for the Fiscal year 2023-2024.

UUFSD FY 23-24 Budget Synopsis
UUFSD FY 23-24 Budget Detail and Comparison to FY 22-23

Use these links to view our most recent financial statements:

2023-05-31 Profit & Loss Statement
2023-05-31 Balance Sheet

5. Grants from the Endowment Fund

The Board of Directors has approved the following grants based on the recommendations submitted by the Planned Giving Committee and presents them for congregational approval.

a) $1,625 for a new drinking fountain/plumbing/concrete pad by the kitchen, requested by Jon Luft

b) $2,000 for wood staining/painting of Founders’ Hall, requested by Betsy Gilpin and Ed Mlakar

c) $150 for the Yidiz family who was displaced by the earthquake in Turkey, requested by Guliz Kuruoglu and Irv Himmelblau on behalf of SJA

d) $500 to the Board of Directors from the Restricted Music Fund to use as it sees fit on the Music program at UUFSD

6. Proposed By-Laws Changes

The Planned Giving Committee is recommending several changes to Article XI: Endowment Fund of our By-Laws. The Board of Directors has reviewed and approves of these changes and now presents them to the membership for adoption. To view the proposed changes, click HERE. To read the explanation from the Planned Giving Committee for these changes, click HERE.

We very much look forward to seeing you at this important meeting. In addition to the above business items, we will have some exciting updates. Your attendance is important as a quorum is required.

As always, we encourage you to reach out to us with any comments and concerns you may have.

In Fellowship,

Your 2022-2023 Board of Directors ([email protected]):

Angie Knappenberger, President
Mary Anne Trause, Vice President
Livia Walsh, Secretary
Louise Lin Garrett
Liora Kian-Gutierrez
Cathy Leach-Phillips
Andi MacLeod