Congregational Budget Forum May 7th

The Board invites you to a 45-minute Q&A forum immediately following our service on May 7th to discuss our draft budget for 2023-2024. The forum will be available to those on Zoom too –stay on after the service.

We will not be voting on anything, just answering questions and getting your feedback. The Board will be meeting directly after this forum to finalize the budget that we will then vote on at our Annual meeting, June 11th .

Please click HERE to access a synopsis of the draft 2023-2024 budget, a more detailed draft budget with comparison to the 2022-2023 fiscal year, the Treasurer’s Report, and our most recent financial statements. We encourage you to either print out copies for yourself to bring to the forum or plan to access them digitally on your phone.

Posted by Angie Knappenberger