Fill A Belly at Cottonwood Creek Park in Encinitas, is returning every Tuesday evening.
We are signed up for Tuesday, May 23, 2023. Please bring food between 6 pm and 6:10 pm. Serving is from 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm. The Social Justice Homeless Project team hopes to provide meals one Tuesday every other month.

We are being asked to supply only a main meal, water and dessert.
We will need three (3) people to bring dinners for 36 people (12 each)
Three dozen bottles of water (1 person or 2 persons)
Desserts for 36 people. Cookies, fruit other individually packed treats (3 people 12 each)

We will let you know if additional food is required. Please sign up at the Social Justice table in the Core Area. Also, we are looking for a coordinator (2-3 hours a month) for this project. Contact Irv Himelblau at

Posted by Irv Himelblau