The Buzz Around Article II

Have you noticed the buzz around Article II? Do you know what Article II is? Not sure? Listen up. This affects you. Like UUFSD, the Unitarian Universalist Association has Bylaws first adopted in 1961 when Unitarians and Universalist joined to create one faith community. The current version of Bylaws has 15 articles covering everything from its name to the Board’s responsibilities to religious education credentialing.

Article II describes the Principles and Purposes of the UUA. Adopted in 1985, it includes our 6 sources and 7 principles. In a sense it describes who we are and what we stand for. The buzz is about proposed changes to Article II. Why changes? We are a living religion. We are directed to review our Bylaws every 15 years. See if they still fit who we are. This revision was driven partly by our 8th principle discussions and our evolving awareness of what we deem to be just.

Be part of the conversation! We’ll begin looking at the proposed changes during the weekend of April 16, 2023, during UUFSD’s Sunday service and a Camp de Benneville Pines workshop. Be there!

Posted by Mary Anne Trause