Turkey Earthquake Assistance Collection

The Social Justice in Action Committees learned of the dire conditions of Yildiz family, in Turkey, which has been displaced by the earthquake. The family consists of two adults and two children and four grandparents. The family’s condition was brought to our attention by Guliz Kuruoglu, a UUFSD member, who is a native of Turkey and still maintains ties with friends there.

The Yildiz’s family homes were destroyed, as were their places of employment; they are homeless and unemployed. The family and four grandparents are currently living in temporary housing which they will have to leave in the summer.

Guliz worries that financial assistance given through Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) will be intercepted by the government and much of the aid will not go for the intended purposes. Therefore, she and some of her friends have already contributed financially to the Yildiz family directly. The assistance helps with food and other vital necessities.

If anyone would like to make a donation to the Yildiz family, you can do so on Sundays, April 2 and 9 in the Core Area. Checks should be made out to UUFSD and include Turkey Earthquake Relief in the Memo Line. A Breeze Fund has been created for this special collection. It’s available online now. Readers can go directly to https://uufsd.breezechms.com/give/online Then, using the first drop down menu, select “Give to Special Collection – Turkish Earthquake Relief” and follow the rest of the directions. For more information please contact: socialjustice@uufsd.org.

Posted by Irv Himelblau