Please Support our Beloved Community

“Nothing teaches hope, kindness, courage and compassion like helping others.” (from Making Helping Others)

As part of out spiritual and personal growth, we are asked to make a shared commitment to care for our UUFSD community. Our aspirations to provide meaningful life experiences, through our many groups and committees requires everyone’s involvement. If we all contribute a little, we can truly help bring into being a beloved community.

Please check out the possibilities for involvement. These are easier than most people think and will give you so much satisfaction knowing that you have, in some small but essential way, helped to build our Beloved Community. CUT OFF HERE (Learn More)

(bold) Membership Committee
(bold) Greeters
We are in need of greeters for the Sunday Services. This a very rewarding activity, you get to greet members, friends and new visitors. Greeters arrive20 minutes before the service, and stay for an additional 5 to 10 minutes after the service begins, to greet latecomers. After the service, Greeters remain in the core area talking to visitors for another 20 minutes until the crowd thins. Can you devote 1 hour once every month to greet? Please contact Betsy Gilpin at

(bold) Connections
Assists the Chairperson of Membership in welcoming new members to insure they are aware of what the Fellowship has to offer in terms of spiritual and social activities.
Visitors: When visitors indicate an interest in a committee or group, Connection sends emails to the appropriate committee and group chairpersons indicating the visitors’ interest and their email/phone for them to contact.
New Members: Follows up, periodically, with new members to make sure we are doing all we can to be inclusive and welcoming. Can you devote 2/3 hours a month to help connect new members to the fellowship? Please contact Betsy Gilpin at

(bold) Joy, Fun and Fellowship
This enthusiastic and creative group helps plan, support and facilitate social events such as: Holiday Festival, Passover Seder, Thanksgiving Dinner, potlucks, etc. Share the joy! Can you devote 8 hours a year by helping plan at least one of these activities? Please contact Louise Garrett at

(bold) Religious Education
We are seeking volunteer teachers to keep our programs going. For the safety of our children, we require at least two teachers in every class.We follow a very clear curriculum which is provided by the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association). Here is a link to review the curricula: Can you devote 2 hours every 2 months to teach our children? Please contact Liora Kian-Gutierrez at

Additionally, we are seeking members for our RE committee.This committee meets once a month. We need to know what is most important to you and your children. This committee will have a big role in making a decision for an acting RE coordinator,. Can you devote 3 hours per month to be on our RE Committee? Please contact Liora Kian-Gutierrez at

(bold) Personnel Committee
This committee is responsible for non-managerial personnel-related issues involving employed staff at UUFSD. Areas of involvement include coordination of staff hiring and employment agreements; medical, disability and life insurance policies; and other related concerns. In addition, the UUFSD Personnel Manual is authored and periodically updated by the Personnel Committee. We are looking for one more person to help with these functions. Some HR experience would be helpful, but not required. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Dale Gottdank at

(bold) Fellowship Historian
Research and update the history of the Fellowship. Review existing documents, photos, videos, etc (there are lots) and write a comprehensive history with an eye to having a publishable book or booklet with anecdotes, photos, timelines, lists, charts, etc.. Contact Sarah Lockwood Miller at for more information.

(bold) Fellowship Archivist
The secure online archive exists and is well populated with some kinds of documents (eg financial and personnel documents) but not others (eg history, building & grounds). There are still half a dozen boxes of records that need to be gone through. The documents need to be scanned, and the digital scans properly named and uploaded. The remaining paper documents need to be pruned, reorganized, and stored. Contact Sarah Lockwood Miller at for more information.

(bold) Worship Committee
The Worship Committee needs additional Worship Associates to serve on Sunday Services. The Worship Associate works with the minister and the music director three or four times a year, during weeks that they choose, to adapt a sample script to the theme of the sermon. On Sunday you read from your script. No expertise in public speaking or writing is needed. There is a Worship Associate training program that takes a few hours. Can you devote 8 hours per service 3 to 4 times a year, to help? Please contact Mary Anne Trause or Chris Byrnes at

(bold) Ushers needed
Responsibilities include putting the order of service in the hymnals, recording attendance, and collecting the offering. Ushers arrive 20-30 minutes before the service and stay around 10 minutes afterwards to collect hymnals. It is an easy and fun opportunity to meet new people. Can you devote 2 hours per month to help usher? Please contact Angie Knappenberger at

(bold) Kitchen Committee
This dedicated kitchen club is committed to serving beautiful, delicious food, made with LOVE. This committee also keeps the kitchen in good clean running order Can you devote 2 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Louise Garrett at

(bold) Stewardship Committee
Needs help with the yearly Auction and Art Fair. Volunteers solicit auction items from member or businesses, set up and take down auction tables, help people bid on auction item, and give a testimonials at Sunday service. Can you devote 8 hours once a year to help out with this committee?

(bold) Communication
We need a volunteer to be backup web administrator. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours a month to help our webwaster? Please contact Richard Macdonald at

We also need a Social Media Manager. Someone to join the communications committee who has skill and interest in creating a social media and online presence for UUFSD to help promote the Fellowship to the greater San Diego community, especially to the younger adult group. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours per event (5 or 6 events a year) to help out with this committee? Please contact Irv Himelblau at

(bold) Design Review
The Design Review Committee reviews and approves all plans and specifications for planned improvements, and other projects which would alter the basic nature and appearance of the UUFSD campus. Can you devote 4 to 5 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Irv Himelblau at

(bold) Parking Attendant
Currently, we have limited parking at UUFSD. We need someone to monitor the parking lot and when full, advise motorists of alternate parking sites. Must arrive at the fellowship 15 minutes prior to service for minor set up, and remain on the lot for 5 minutes after the service begins (from 9:45 to 10:05). Can you devote 20 minutes per month to help? Please contact John Sherman at

As part of out spiritual and personal growth, we are asked to make a shared commitment to care for our UUFSD community. Our aspirations to provide meaningful life experiences, through our many groups and committees requires everyone’s involvement. If we all contribute a little, we can truly help bring into being a beloved community.

Please check out the possibilities for involvement. These are easier than most people think and will give you so much satisfaction knowing that you have, in some small but essential way, helped to build our Beloved Community. CUT OFF HERE (Learn More)

(bold) Membership Committee
(bold) Greeters
We are in need of greeters for the Sunday Services. This a very rewarding activity, you get to greet members, friends and new visitors. Greeters arrive20 minutes before the service, and stay for an additional 5 to 10 minutes after the service begins, to greet latecomers. After the service, Greeters remain in the core area talking to visitors for another 20 minutes until the crowd thins. Can you devote 1 hour once every month to greet? Please contact Betsy Gilpin at

(bold) Connections
Assists the Chairperson of Membership in welcoming new members to insure they are aware of what the Fellowship has to offer in terms of spiritual and social activities.
Visitors: When visitors indicate an interest in a committee or group, Connection sends emails to the appropriate committee and group chairpersons indicating the visitors’ interest and their email/phone for them to contact.
New Members: Follows up, periodically, with new members to make sure we are doing all we can to be inclusive and welcoming. Can you devote 2/3 hours a month to help connect new members to the fellowship? Please contact Betsy Gilpin at

(bold) Joy, Fun and Fellowship
This enthusiastic and creative group helps plan, support and facilitate social events such as: Holiday Festival, Passover Seder, Thanksgiving Dinner, potlucks, etc. Share the joy! Can you devote 8 hours a year by helping plan at least one of these activities? Please contact Louise Garrett at

(bold) Religious Education
We are seeking volunteer teachers to keep our programs going. For the safety of our children, we require at least two teachers in every class.We follow a very clear curriculum which is provided by the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association). Here is a link to review the curricula: Can you devote 2 hours every 2 months to teach our children? Please contact Liora Kian-Gutierrez at

Additionally, we are seeking members for our RE committee.This committee meets once a month. We need to know what is most important to you and your children. This committee will have a big role in making a decision for an acting RE coordinator,. Can you devote 3 hours per month to be on our RE Committee? Please contact Liora Kian-Gutierrez at

(bold) Personnel Committee
This committee is responsible for non-managerial personnel-related issues involving employed staff at UUFSD. Areas of involvement include coordination of staff hiring and employment agreements; medical, disability and life insurance policies; and other related concerns. In addition, the UUFSD Personnel Manual is authored and periodically updated by the Personnel Committee. We are looking for one more person to help with these functions. Some HR experience would be helpful, but not required. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Dale Gottdank at

(bold) Fellowship Historian
Research and update the history of the Fellowship. Review existing documents, photos, videos, etc (there are lots) and write a comprehensive history with an eye to having a publishable book or booklet with anecdotes, photos, timelines, lists, charts, etc.. Contact Sarah Lockwood Miller at for more information.

(bold) Fellowship Archivist
The secure online archive exists and is well populated with some kinds of documents (eg financial and personnel documents) but not others (eg history, building & grounds). There are still half a dozen boxes of records that need to be gone through. The documents need to be scanned, and the digital scans properly named and uploaded. The remaining paper documents need to be pruned, reorganized, and stored. Contact Sarah Lockwood Miller at for more information.

(bold) Worship Committee
The Worship Committee needs additional Worship Associates to serve on Sunday Services. The Worship Associate works with the minister and the music director three or four times a year, during weeks that they choose, to adapt a sample script to the theme of the sermon. On Sunday you read from your script. No expertise in public speaking or writing is needed. There is a Worship Associate training program that takes a few hours. Can you devote 8 hours per service 3 to 4 times a year, to help? Please contact Mary Anne Trause or Chris Byrnes at

(bold) Ushers needed
Responsibilities include putting the order of service in the hymnals, recording attendance, and collecting the offering. Ushers arrive 20-30 minutes before the service and stay around 10 minutes afterwards to collect hymnals. It is an easy and fun opportunity to meet new people. Can you devote 2 hours per month to help usher? Please contact Angie Knappenberger at

(bold) Kitchen Committee
This dedicated kitchen club is committed to serving beautiful, delicious food, made with LOVE. This committee also keeps the kitchen in good clean running order Can you devote 2 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Louise Garrett at

(bold) Stewardship Committee
Needs help with the yearly Auction and Art Fair. Volunteers solicit auction items from member or businesses, set up and take down auction tables, help people bid on auction item, and give a testimonials at Sunday service. Can you devote 8 hours once a year to help out with this committee?

(bold) Communication
We need a volunteer to be backup web administrator. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours a month to help our webwaster? Please contact Richard Macdonald at

We also need a Social Media Manager. Someone to join the communications committee who has skill and interest in creating a social media and online presence for UUFSD to help promote the Fellowship to the greater San Diego community, especially to the younger adult group. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours per event (5 or 6 events a year) to help out with this committee? Please contact Irv Himelblau at

(bold) Design Review
The Design Review Committee reviews and approves all plans and specifications for planned improvements, and other projects which would alter the basic nature and appearance of the UUFSD campus. Can you devote 4 to 5 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Irv Himelblau at

(bold) Parking Attendant
Currently, we have limited parking at UUFSD. We need someone to monitor the parking lot and when full, advise motorists of alternate parking sites. Must arrive at the fellowship 15 minutes prior to service for minor set up, and remain on the lot for 5 minutes after the service begins (from 9:45 to 10:05). Can you devote 20 minutes per month to help? Please contact John Sherman at

As part of out spiritual and personal growth, we are asked to make a shared commitment to care for our UUFSD community. Our aspirations to provide meaningful life experiences, through our many groups and committees requires everyone’s involvement. If we all contribute a little, we can truly help bring into being a beloved community.

Please check out the possibilities for involvement. These are easier than most people think and will give you so much satisfaction knowing that you have, in some small but essential way, helped to build our Beloved Community. CUT OFF HERE (Learn More)

(bold) Membership Committee
(bold) Greeters
We are in need of greeters for the Sunday Services. This a very rewarding activity, you get to greet members, friends and new visitors. Greeters arrive20 minutes before the service, and stay for an additional 5 to 10 minutes after the service begins, to greet latecomers. After the service, Greeters remain in the core area talking to visitors for another 20 minutes until the crowd thins. Can you devote 1 hour once every month to greet? Please contact Betsy Gilpin at

(bold) Connections
Assists the Chairperson of Membership in welcoming new members to insure they are aware of what the Fellowship has to offer in terms of spiritual and social activities.
Visitors: When visitors indicate an interest in a committee or group, Connection sends emails to the appropriate committee and group chairpersons indicating the visitors’ interest and their email/phone for them to contact.
New Members: Follows up, periodically, with new members to make sure we are doing all we can to be inclusive and welcoming. Can you devote 2/3 hours a month to help connect new members to the fellowship? Please contact Betsy Gilpin at

(bold) Joy, Fun and Fellowship
This enthusiastic and creative group helps plan, support and facilitate social events such as: Holiday Festival, Passover Seder, Thanksgiving Dinner, potlucks, etc. Share the joy! Can you devote 8 hours a year by helping plan at least one of these activities? Please contact Louise Garrett at

(bold) Religious Education
We are seeking volunteer teachers to keep our programs going. For the safety of our children, we require at least two teachers in every class.We follow a very clear curriculum which is provided by the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association). Here is a link to review the curricula: Can you devote 2 hours every 2 months to teach our children? Please contact Liora Kian-Gutierrez at

Additionally, we are seeking members for our RE committee.This committee meets once a month. We need to know what is most important to you and your children. This committee will have a big role in making a decision for an acting RE coordinator,. Can you devote 3 hours per month to be on our RE Committee? Please contact Liora Kian-Gutierrez at

(bold) Personnel Committee
This committee is responsible for non-managerial personnel-related issues involving employed staff at UUFSD. Areas of involvement include coordination of staff hiring and employment agreements; medical, disability and life insurance policies; and other related concerns. In addition, the UUFSD Personnel Manual is authored and periodically updated by the Personnel Committee. We are looking for one more person to help with these functions. Some HR experience would be helpful, but not required. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Dale Gottdank at

(bold) Fellowship Historian
Research and update the history of the Fellowship. Review existing documents, photos, videos, etc (there are lots) and write a comprehensive history with an eye to having a publishable book or booklet with anecdotes, photos, timelines, lists, charts, etc.. Contact Sarah Lockwood Miller at for more information.

(bold) Fellowship Archivist
The secure online archive exists and is well populated with some kinds of documents (eg financial and personnel documents) but not others (eg history, building & grounds). There are still half a dozen boxes of records that need to be gone through. The documents need to be scanned, and the digital scans properly named and uploaded. The remaining paper documents need to be pruned, reorganized, and stored. Contact Sarah Lockwood Miller at for more information.

(bold) Worship Committee
The Worship Committee needs additional Worship Associates to serve on Sunday Services. The Worship Associate works with the minister and the music director three or four times a year, during weeks that they choose, to adapt a sample script to the theme of the sermon. On Sunday you read from your script. No expertise in public speaking or writing is needed. There is a Worship Associate training program that takes a few hours. Can you devote 8 hours per service 3 to 4 times a year, to help? Please contact Mary Anne Trause or Chris Byrnes at

(bold) Ushers needed
Responsibilities include putting the order of service in the hymnals, recording attendance, and collecting the offering. Ushers arrive 20-30 minutes before the service and stay around 10 minutes afterwards to collect hymnals. It is an easy and fun opportunity to meet new people. Can you devote 2 hours per month to help usher? Please contact Angie Knappenberger at

(bold) Kitchen Committee
This dedicated kitchen club is committed to serving beautiful, delicious food, made with LOVE. This committee also keeps the kitchen in good clean running order Can you devote 2 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Louise Garrett at

(bold) Stewardship Committee
Needs help with the yearly Auction and Art Fair. Volunteers solicit auction items from member or businesses, set up and take down auction tables, help people bid on auction item, and give a testimonials at Sunday service. Can you devote 8 hours once a year to help out with this committee?

(bold) Communication
We need a volunteer to be backup web administrator. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours a month to help our webwaster? Please contact Richard Macdonald at

We also need a Social Media Manager. Someone to join the communications committee who has skill and interest in creating a social media and online presence for UUFSD to help promote the Fellowship to the greater San Diego community, especially to the younger adult group. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours per event (5 or 6 events a year) to help out with this committee? Please contact Irv Himelblau at

(bold) Design Review
The Design Review Committee reviews and approves all plans and specifications for planned improvements, and other projects which would alter the basic nature and appearance of the UUFSD campus. Can you devote 4 to 5 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Irv Himelblau at

(bold) Parking Attendant
Currently, we have limited parking at UUFSD. We need someone to monitor the parking lot and when full, advise motorists of alternate parking sites. Must arrive at the fellowship 15 minutes prior to service for minor set up, and remain on the lot for 5 minutes after the service begins (from 9:45 to 10:05). Can you devote 20 minutes per month to help? Please contact John Sherman at

(center bold) “Nothing teaches hope, kindness, courage and compassion like helping others.” (from Making Helping Others Easier)

As part of out spiritual and personal growth, we are asked to make a shared commitment to care for our UUFSD community. Our aspirations to provide meaningful life experiences, through our many groups and committees requires everyone’s involvement. If we all contribute a little, we can truly help bring into being a beloved community.

Please check out the possibilities for involvement. These are easier than most people think and will give you so much satisfaction knowing that you have, in some small but essential way, helped to build our Beloved Community. CUT OFF HERE (Learn More)

(bold) Membership Committee
(bold) Greeters
We are in need of greeters for the Sunday Services. This a very rewarding activity, you get to greet members, friends and new visitors. Greeters arrive20 minutes before the service, and stay for an additional 5 to 10 minutes after the service begins, to greet latecomers. After the service, Greeters remain in the core area talking to visitors for another 20 minutes until the crowd thins. Can you devote 1 hour once every month to greet? Please contact Betsy Gilpin at

(bold) Connections
Assists the Chairperson of Membership in welcoming new members to insure they are aware of what the Fellowship has to offer in terms of spiritual and social activities.
Visitors: When visitors indicate an interest in a committee or group, Connection sends emails to the appropriate committee and group chairpersons indicating the visitors’ interest and their email/phone for them to contact.
New Members: Follows up, periodically, with new members to make sure we are doing all we can to be inclusive and welcoming. Can you devote 2/3 hours a month to help connect new members to the fellowship? Please contact Betsy Gilpin at

(bold) Joy, Fun and Fellowship
This enthusiastic and creative group helps plan, support and facilitate social events such as: Holiday Festival, Passover Seder, Thanksgiving Dinner, potlucks, etc. Share the joy! Can you devote 8 hours a year by helping plan at least one of these activities? Please contact Louise Garrett at

(bold) Religious Education
We are seeking volunteer teachers to keep our programs going. For the safety of our children, we require at least two teachers in every class.We follow a very clear curriculum which is provided by the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association). Here is a link to review the curricula: Can you devote 2 hours every 2 months to teach our children? Please contact Liora Kian-Gutierrez at

Additionally, we are seeking members for our RE committee.This committee meets once a month. We need to know what is most important to you and your children. This committee will have a big role in making a decision for an acting RE coordinator,. Can you devote 3 hours per month to be on our RE Committee? Please contact Liora Kian-Gutierrez at

(bold) Personnel Committee
This committee is responsible for non-managerial personnel-related issues involving employed staff at UUFSD. Areas of involvement include coordination of staff hiring and employment agreements; medical, disability and life insurance policies; and other related concerns. In addition, the UUFSD Personnel Manual is authored and periodically updated by the Personnel Committee. We are looking for one more person to help with these functions. Some HR experience would be helpful, but not required. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Dale Gottdank at

(bold) Fellowship Historian
Research and update the history of the Fellowship. Review existing documents, photos, videos, etc (there are lots) and write a comprehensive history with an eye to having a publishable book or booklet with anecdotes, photos, timelines, lists, charts, etc.. Contact Sarah Lockwood Miller at for more information.

(bold) Fellowship Archivist
The secure online archive exists and is well populated with some kinds of documents (eg financial and personnel documents) but not others (eg history, building & grounds). There are still half a dozen boxes of records that need to be gone through. The documents need to be scanned, and the digital scans properly named and uploaded. The remaining paper documents need to be pruned, reorganized, and stored. Contact Sarah Lockwood Miller at for more information.

(bold) Worship Committee
The Worship Committee needs additional Worship Associates to serve on Sunday Services. The Worship Associate works with the minister and the music director three or four times a year, during weeks that they choose, to adapt a sample script to the theme of the sermon. On Sunday you read from your script. No expertise in public speaking or writing is needed. There is a Worship Associate training program that takes a few hours. Can you devote 8 hours per service 3 to 4 times a year, to help? Please contact Mary Anne Trause or Chris Byrnes at

(bold) Ushers needed
Responsibilities include putting the order of service in the hymnals, recording attendance, and collecting the offering. Ushers arrive 20-30 minutes before the service and stay around 10 minutes afterwards to collect hymnals. It is an easy and fun opportunity to meet new people. Can you devote 2 hours per month to help usher? Please contact Angie Knappenberger at

(bold) Kitchen Committee
This dedicated kitchen club is committed to serving beautiful, delicious food, made with LOVE. This committee also keeps the kitchen in good clean running order Can you devote 2 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Louise Garrett at

(bold) Stewardship Committee
Needs help with the yearly Auction and Art Fair. Volunteers solicit auction items from member or businesses, set up and take down auction tables, help people bid on auction item, and give a testimonials at Sunday service. Can you devote 8 hours once a year to help out with this committee?

(bold) Communication
We need a volunteer to be backup web administrator. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours a month to help our webwaster? Please contact Richard Macdonald at

We also need a Social Media Manager. Someone to join the communications committee who has skill and interest in creating a social media and online presence for UUFSD to help promote the Fellowship to the greater San Diego community, especially to the younger adult group. Can you devote 5 to 8 hours per event (5 or 6 events a year) to help out with this committee? Please contact Irv Himelblau at

(bold) Design Review
The Design Review Committee reviews and approves all plans and specifications for planned improvements, and other projects which would alter the basic nature and appearance of the UUFSD campus. Can you devote 4 to 5 hours per month to help out with this committee? Please contact Irv Himelblau at

(bold) Parking Attendant
Currently, we have limited parking at UUFSD. We need someone to monitor the parking lot and when full, advise motorists of alternate parking sites. Must arrive at the fellowship 15 minutes prior to service for minor set up, and remain on the lot for 5 minutes after the service begins (from 9:45 to 10:05). Can you devote 20 minutes per month to help? Please contact John Sherman at