Monthly Call To Action – November

Monthly Call To Action – November

Avocado Mattress recently launched a commercial entitled “Natural as Love”, featuring a variety of people in bed, including two same sex couples. View the commercial on YouTube at: The company is now the target of an anti-LGBTQ campaign. The campaign states, “Avocado Mattress should be ashamed of its commercial for attempting to normalize sin by featuring same sex couples in bed together…There is nothing pure or natural about homosexuality.” (See Affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person by contacting Avocado Mattress and thanking them for promoting equality and inclusivity with their “Natural as Love” commercial: (1) Contact the company by using it’s “CHAT” feature or e-mail at:; (2) Call the company at (201)528-6991; (3) Post a comment on the company’s FB page and/or send a FB message to the company at