Communications Reminder

Reminder from the Communications Committee (ComCom)

It is exciting and wonderful to be back with on campus service and activities. The Communications Committee will strive to provide our members and friends as much information as we can on all these activities. We will display the four sided Bulletin Board and the Core Area Glass enclosed bulletin board with updated information.
We want to remind members and friends that there is a procedure for posting on these bulletin boards.

1. Only fliers related to UU events may be attached to the Core Area glass enclosed bulletin board or the four-sided bulletin board.

2. There will be no postings on doors, windows and fences unless approved by the ComCom.

3. Leave all flyers in the office; these will be posted on bulletin boards by members of the ComCom, who will remove them as appropriate.

4. To protect the tax-exempt status of UUFSD, only UU-related notices may be posted on these bulletin boards. No commercial or business notices are allowed

Posted by Irv Himelblau