Mark Tuller: How I Set Up a Bequest to Our Endowment Without Changing My Will

It was easy. When our kids were young, Mary and I bought a joint first-to-die life insurance policy. If one of us had an untimely death, the surviving young parent would have a quick cash infusion to deal with the crisis, pay the mortgage, and raise the kids. Now, decades later, the kids are grown, we’re retired, and the mortgage is paid off, but we still own the insurance policy. After consulting and deciding together, Mary and I decided to change the beneficiary form to direct a percentage of the death benefit to the Fellowship’s Endowment. It took 15 minutes, no lawyer was involved, and we had the satisfaction of directing a substantial sum to the perpetual support of our Fellowship and UU values in the world. If you feel the same way, contact the Planned Giving Committee at

Posted by Mark Tuller