Monthly Call To Action – August

Monthly Call To Action – August

Democracy is not a spectator sport. On September 14, Californians will decide whether or not to recall Governor Newsom in a Special Election. What you should do now:

(1) Make sure you are registered to vote by going to to check your voter registration status

(2) If you are not registered to vote, register today at

(3) If you are registered to vote, put a reminder on your calendar, in your phone or on your refrigerator TO VOTE (Note: Mail ballots start going out the week of August 16)

(4) Be a democracy ambassador (and live our UU 5th Principle) by talking/texting/e-mailing friends, family and neighbors and reminding them to vote in the special election

(5) Educate yourself about the special election, including learning about the candidates and who’s funding both sides of the recall election at the nonpartisan website:

Posted by Karen Reimus