Religious Education Classes
Welcome to Religious Education classes for 2020/2021
Letter from the Director of Religious Education:
Hello Everyone!
I would like to invite you and your family to our Religious Education classes this year.
I have decided that every class will incorporate and/or be centered around Anti-racism and Anti-oppression. We, as Unitarian Universalists, are being called to live into our values as never before. Anti-racism/Anti-oppression education in elementary school students starts with students’ awareness of themselves, of others and of how those interactions play out. I believe that social emotional learning — which gives kids the tools to manage and express their feelings — is the heart of race and equity work. I am so proud of the work that the teachers are putting into the classes online to make it a safe, fun way to connect around these issues.
The classes start October 4th and will be held over Zoom. If you have family or friends who share similar values and would like for their children to have the opportunity to learn about privilege and de-centering whiteness, I highly, highly encourage you to extend the invitation. We have no borders to limit us when proximity is taken out of the equation, the only thing that limits us is our imagination.
Sending huge love and I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Alison Aguilar Lopez Gutierrez McLeod
Religious Education Curriculum for 2020-2021
During the traditional academic year we offer formal programs starting at age 4 and continuing through young adulthood. Below is the introductory information on what is being offered.
PreK-K (4 yrs+): Chalice Children
Sheryl Goto and Liora Kian-Gutierrez
These two wonderful teachers have been co-teaching this class for almost 25 years together. Their generosity of heart and spirit makes this class a beautiful first step in the journey of our young families. In Chalice Children the curriculum introduces children to concepts such as family, holidays, birth and death, social justice issues, dreams and the natural world using fun activities, rhymes and fingerplays. Class meets via Zoom at 9:15 on Sunday morning and lasts for approximately a half an hour. Details on how to access the class are HERE.
Grades 1-3: Anti-Racism/ Anti-Oppression Picture Book Curriculum
Danielle Rubenfeld and Gloria Rubenfeld
This mother daughter duo are familiar to all of the children who have been in Childcare with Ms. Gloria or in the older students with Ms. Danielle! This dynamic duo brings so much energy and understanding around the issues that we will be addressing. The 1st-3rd grade class will be exploring topics such as sexism, heterosexism, classism, racism, ableism, sizeism/ ageism, and immigration/colonisation. Alison has carefully selected each book that will be used and has curated the collection to be as thoughtful as possible.
Class meets via Zoom at 9:15 on Sunday morning and lasts for approximately a half an hour. Details on how to access the class are available HERE.
Grades 4-6: History through an Anti-Racism/ Anti-Oppression lens
Katherine Buffington and Ernie Dun
We are so lucky to have Katherine as the lead teacher in this class. She has been teaching at UUFSD for 3 years and contributing for so much longer. Ernie is a retired social worker for Child Protective Services and his gentle energy and thoughtfulness create such a wonderful bond. This year, 4-6th UUFSD RE curriculum will focus on racial justice, the application of our UU principles to everyday situations, and rereading history through a UU-, social justice-focused lens. Units will include an investigation of the “Founding Fathers” legacy and social/religious beliefs, the history and legends of the tribes who originally inhabited UUFSD’s land, and a look at those leaders on the “margins” of history whose stories should not be forgotten. Class meets via Zoom at 9:15 on Sunday morning and lasts for approximately 45 minutes. Details on how to access the class are available HERE.
Junior High: Coming of Age, Middle School Youth Group, and Friday Movie Nights
Alison A.L.G. McLeod and volunteers
Coming of Age is a year long program that is taught by Alison and a few volunteers every 3 years. This is our year! It is for middle schoolers from 6th – 8th grade (ish) and is a meaningful exploration of Unitarian Universalism and other faiths that are incorporated into a year long journey. We visit other faith congregations and learn from sanctioned representatives what they believe through frank conversations and questions. This entire year is devoted to an introspection of faith that culminates in a service at the end, in which youth share their own statement of faith. It is one of the most moving ceremonies and services of the year.
We will be holding meetings via Zoom and we are currently trying to find a time in which all of us can meet, and will update with specifics very soon. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact [email protected]
- We are also offering a Middle School Youth Group which meets at 4:00pm on Saturdays. That is a very relaxed loosely structured check in and game playing hour with Alison and Ernie as hosts. We meet via Zoom and that link is HERE.
- On Friday evenings starting in mid October there will be Friday Night Movies for the Junior High and Senior High youth group members. The students get to pick the movies they watch but have to get their selection “Ok’d” by Alison. That will be via Zoom from 7:30-9:30 and the link to that can be found HERE.
High School: Youth Group, Movie Nights, and Anti-racism/Anti-oppression workshops.
Alison ALG McLeod and Ernie Dun
- Youth Group is hosted by Alison and Ernie and it is held every Tuesday from 7-8:30(ish) through the entire year and is just a place to come and “be.” We talk about life, school, pressures etc… in a supportive environment with no judging, only love and affirmation. For more information, please email Alison: [email protected]. It is held via Zoom and the link is HERE.
- On Friday evenings starting in mid October there will be Friday Night Movies for the Junior High and Senior High youth group members. The students get to pick the movies they watch but have to get their selection “Ok’d” by Alison. That will be via Zoom from 7:30-9:30 and the link to that can be found HERE.
- Because there is no formal curriculum on Sundays for High School students, we will be doing a monthly Anti-racism/Anti-oppression workshop that everyone will be highly encouraged to attend. We have always incorporated justice work into this class, and this year will be no exception. More information about the time and place will be forthcoming very soon. If you have any questions please feel free to contact [email protected].

Emerging Adult Group
Alison ALG McLeod and Ernie Dun
The emerging adult group, or young adults, meet weekly at a time and place coming soon. This group is open to 18-27 year olds. We recognize that navigating adulthood is challenging! (Sometimes we don’t want to “adult” either!) Whether you’re finding your first apartment, starting a new job or exploring a committed relationship, in college, moving far from your childhood home, or figuring out life as an adult in your community, Unitarian Universalism has tools for the journey. Come and join us for deep reflection and fun. We are meeting every Monday evening from 7:00-8:30 via Zoom. The link can be found HERE.
Posted by Alison A.L.G. McLeod