Vote June 5 – Democracy Is Not a Spectator Sport!

Indivisible Patriots reminds all Fellowship members and friends to vote in the upcoming June 5 Primary Election. Did you know that the election for several important county offices, including County Sheriff, County District Attorney and County Assessor is decided in the June 5 Primary Election, (not the November Election)? These local offices exert significant influence … Continue reading Vote June 5 – Democracy Is Not a Spectator Sport!

Weekly Call To Action – Take the TurboVote Challenge!

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 60 percent of non-voters in 2012 missed Election Day because of process issues such as lack of time, registration problems, and inconvenient polling places. Democracy Works, a nonprofit organization created TurboVote to make voting easier. TurboVote is an application that keeps track of your elections, local and national. … Continue reading Weekly Call To Action – Take the TurboVote Challenge!

Ethical Eating Forum June 10

Come join us on Sunday, June 10, from 12:30 to 2 pm in Founders Hall for Ethical Eating Forum! Following up on Rev. Megan’s call to be “Eating our Values”, the Environmental Justice group is pleased to host a discussion focused on healthy and ethical food choices. What are your healthy eating practices and are … Continue reading Ethical Eating Forum June 10