Reminder: No Dogs on Sunday

A gentle reminder: we have a policy restricting dogs (other than service animals) from Sunday services unless it is a special animal-focused event. There are people who are allergic or afraid of dogs, or who find them distracting during worship. (Not all dogs are as well behaved as yours is.) Thank you for your consideration.

July Book Club News

The evening book club will discuss The Art of Memoir by Mary Karr on July 9th at 7pm. The daytime group is reading a larger book than usual, so we are not meeting in July. Read the novel Pachinko by Min Jin Lee and join us on August 16th at 9:30am to discuss it. (Please … Continue reading July Book Club News

Join the July Indivisible Patriots Meeting

Indivisible Patriots Meeting Sunday, July 8 at 11:30 am Palmer Library Indivisible Patriots utilizes the elected official engagement template outlined in the Indivisible Guide ( to promote our UU values of using the democratic process to foster equality, diversity and social justice. If you are upset about recent federal policies such as the Muslim Travel … Continue reading Join the July Indivisible Patriots Meeting