Indivisible Weekly Call To Action: Defend the Earth

Defend the earth by calling your US Senator with this call script about protecting clean air car emissions standards: “Hi. My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY]. I’m calling to ask Senator [HARRIS/FEINSTEIN] to ensure that current greenhouse gas emissions and fuel economy standards for cars are kept in place, despite the … Continue reading Indivisible Weekly Call To Action: Defend the Earth

Do You Know Your Rights?

This was a critical question for me this past week. I was crossing the border into the US after delivering donations and was sent to Secondary. Not an unusual occurrence due to random checks. That is where the usual stopped, in secondary I was asked to step out of the box truck and turn around … Continue reading Do You Know Your Rights?

August Food Bank Volunteer Night Report

In August we bagged 6,200 lbs. of carrots that went out to those in need the very next day. THANKS all! First-Timers, you MUST email me for the Group Code in order to help in the future It’s always the first Thursday of the month.

5th Principle Campaign

5th Principle Campaign continues on Sunday, August 5 from 10 – 11:00 am in the Core Area. Indivisible Patriots invites you to live the UU Fifth Principle of utilizing the democratic process in society at large. Visit our table in the Core Area after service on Sunday, August 5. You can write a postcard to … Continue reading 5th Principle Campaign

Indivisible Weekly Call To Action

Promote the inherent worth and dignity of pregnant immigrants held in detention by calling your US Representative with this script: “Hi. My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY/ZIP]. I’m calling because I’m extremely alarmed by alleged mistreatment of pregnant women in ICE/CBP custody. I request Representative [NAME] to offer amendments to … Continue reading Indivisible Weekly Call To Action

August Book Club News

The daytime book club didn’t meet in July, but is reading the novel Pachinko by Min Jin Lee for our August meeting on Thursday the 16th at 9:30 am. Our evening book club is also taking a summer recess by not meeting in August. On Monday, September 10th at 7pm we will be discussing the … Continue reading August Book Club News

Deep Interconnection, Active Hope: Staying Spiritually Alive in These Times

Deep Interconnection, Active Hope: Staying Spiritually Alive in These Times is a workshop led by Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh, a Work That Reconnects facilitator-in-training Join Unitarian Universalist social/environmental justice activists for a day of reflection, ritual, and renewal using methods from Joanna Macy’s “The Work that Reconnects.” We’ll explore how honoring our own pain for … Continue reading Deep Interconnection, Active Hope: Staying Spiritually Alive in These Times