Indivisible Weekly Call To Action

Promote the inherent worth of every person by protecting health coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. Call your US Senator with this call script: “Hi. My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP CODE]. I’m calling to urge Senator [HARRIS/FEINSTEIN] to reject S. 3388, the ‘Ensuring Coverage for Patients with Pre-Existing Conditions … Continue reading Indivisible Weekly Call To Action

Read with other UUs

The UUFSD book clubs are stepping away from non-fiction right now to read a little lighter! Our Thursday morning group will discuss the novel The Wangs vs. the World by Jade Chang at 9:30 am Thursday September 20th. Our Monday evening group will discuss the novella The Turn of the Screw by Henry James at … Continue reading Read with other UUs

September Food Bank Results

In Sept. we bagged 6,200 lbs. of apples and pears that went out to our peers in-need the very next day. THANKS all! First-Timers, you MUST email me for the Group Code in order to help in the future It’s always the first Thursday of the month.

Be a Presenter at Interfaith Shelter Network Workshop

The Interfaith Shelter Network (through whom we support the Rotational Shelter) is in need of presenters for workshops on budgeting and employment development. You do not need to have experience in accounting, finance or job searches as presentation materials/packages have been prepared. The workshops will take place on Saturdays from 9a – 12noon (actual scheduled … Continue reading Be a Presenter at Interfaith Shelter Network Workshop

5th Principle Campaign

Join the 5th Principle Campaign on Sunday, September 2 during the Gathering Hour. Indivisible Patriots invites you to live the UU Fifth Principle of utilizing the democratic process in society at large. Visit our table in the Core Area after service on Sunday, September 2. You can write a postcard to your elected official and … Continue reading 5th Principle Campaign