Casas de Luz High School Build in the News!

The Del Mar Times has published a great article about the Casas de Luz High School Build! Read the the article here:

Wanted: Site Caretaker/Event Set-up (Part-Time)

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito (UUFSD) is seeking a part-time Site Caretaker. This will be a shared position providing set-up, breakdown and support for Sunday morning services and other events held at the UUFSD campus. We are a vibrant, intentionally diverse congregation that models and promotes both locally and globally: love, spiritual growth, … Continue reading Wanted: Site Caretaker/Event Set-up (Part-Time)

Jerry Thiebolt Installs “Sun and Chalice” for the Fellowship Memorial

Cast your gaze west of the patio and you’ll see that Jerry Thiebolt has been busy installing SUN and CHALICE, the fourth of five murals he has designed and is building for the Fellowship Memorial. From time to time we remind all to arrange for memorial tiles for themselves, their spouses or partners, and children … Continue reading Jerry Thiebolt Installs “Sun and Chalice” for the Fellowship Memorial

Postcarding To Support Mental Health Training

Kick off Mental Health Awareness Month by writing a postcard to your elected official and asking them to support new legislation enhancing mental health training requirements for public safety dispatchers. This pending legislation (AB 680) is an important step forward in trying to deescalate encounters between law enforcement and individuals with mental illness. Look for … Continue reading Postcarding To Support Mental Health Training

Generosity Sunday April 21

Speaker: Emily Howe, Executive Director/Managing Attorney of Think Dignity Think Dignity’s mission is to inspire, empower, and organize our community to advance basic dignity for those living on the streets. We strive to fill gaps and provide services which are otherwise unavailable. Our programs are made possible in large part by our volunteers and donors. … Continue reading Generosity Sunday April 21