Author: UUFSD Editor

Indivisible Patriots Weekly Call To Action

Affirm the inherent worth and dignity of all people, including teens, by calling your US Senator with this script: “Hi. My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIPCODE]. I’m outraged that the Department of Health and Human Services is shifting funding from comprehensive sex education to abstinence-only education for Teen Pregnancy Prevention … Continue reading Indivisible Patriots Weekly Call To Action

Potluck with a Purpose on April 22 after 2nd Service

The POTLUCK will include whatever climate-friendly/ ethical-choice potluck dishes that we bring to share. The PURPOSE is to begin a discussion about some of your favorite novels, nonfiction books and movies that sparked your interest about environmental issues. Which ones inspired you to learn more? Which ones gave you a sense of awe and wonder? … Continue reading Potluck with a Purpose on April 22 after 2nd Service