Author: UUFSD Editor

New to UU Gathering

Are you new to UU? Or new to our Fellowship? Would you like to learn more about joining? Join us at the New to UU Gathering on Sunday, October 21, 12:15pm – 1:30pm, for an informal introduction and chat. Light refreshments served, and childcare is available. For more info or to RSVP, contact Kay Bolden, … Continue reading New to UU Gathering

October Food Bank Results

In October we made 758 boxes if food to be given to our San Diegan neighbors that need just a little more food. THANKS all! First-Timers, you MUST email Sarah O’Hara for the Group Code in order to help in the future: It’s always the first Thursday of the month.

Monthly Call To Action

The weekly call to action is moving to a monthly call to action. The midterm election is next month. A recent poll shows that only 28% of young voters say they will definitely vote in the midterms. If you have voting-age children/grandchildren/significants, ask them if they have registered to vote. If their answer is no, … Continue reading Monthly Call To Action

UUFSD House Band Auction Fundraiser Tickets Still Available!

Saturday, October 13th, 6:00-10:00pm Saturday, October 13th, 6:00-10:00pm UUFSD members Joyce Qaqundah and Steve Wallace will again open their lovely home in Del Mar to host the 4th Annual UUFSD House Concert. If you missed this last year, here is your chance to see our talented 7 member UUFSD Band perform folk/rock music with excellent … Continue reading UUFSD House Band Auction Fundraiser Tickets Still Available!

Indivisible Weekly Call To Action

Promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person by opposing the indefinite detention of migrant children and their families. Call your US Senator(s) with this call script: “Hi. My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to ask that Senator [HARRIS/FEINSTEIN] oppose any effort to overrule the Flores settlement … Continue reading Indivisible Weekly Call To Action