The mission of the UUFSD Choir is to complement and enhance the Sunday worship service experience, making it more stimulating and spiritually enriching. The choir sings a wide variety of compositions and arrangements, including classical pieces, wide-ranging folk music, and selections from varying religious traditions. Attention is paid to challenging the veteran singer as well as involving less experienced musicians. Our choral group is warm and friendly, and enjoys the hard work of preparing uplifting and varied literature. We value the fellowship experienced in meeting weekly to make music together.

Our choir is composed of more than 20 dedicated members of our community who love to sing in 4-part harmony. We invite you you to attend a rehearsal to try us out and consider becoming a member. Our choir is split into four sections: sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses; don’t worry, we can help you find your part if you don’t know it yet.


Choir practice is typically held weekly — please see the Stay Connected page for day and time. During periods of remote engagement, our choir meets over zoom. (Email our music director at [email protected] for the link to join.) During periods of in-person gathering, the choir meets in Founders Hall at the Fellowship campus. The choir season roughly mirrors the academic year, approx. August to June, with a two-month summer break.

Choir at Church Services

When meeting in person, the choir sings at services approximately twice per month. When meeting remotely, we work on various virtual choir projects throughout the year, which we regularly incorporate into Sunday services. (You can check some of them out below!) A recent congregational survey found that our members love to see each other leading music, and we are dedicated to that outcome whether in person or remote.

Music Sundays

Twice per year, in the winter and spring, we dedicate our entire Sunday service to spiritual exploration through music. These services feature the UUFSD Choir heavily, and choir members are expected to attend a half-day workshop/rehearsal in advance of each Music Sunday service.

The choir welcomes experienced singers and novices alike. If you love to sing and can make a commitment to come for weekly rehearsals and be present when the choir sings, we would love to have you join us. Contact music director, Marshall Voit, at [email protected] to chat about it.

Choir Attire

Choir members wear black trousers or skirts, with either black tops (winter) or blue, green, or purple long sleeve tops (other seasons). The group is unified with turquoise tie-dyed stoles.

Top Reasons to Join the Choir:

  • Enrich your artistic life
  • Make new friends
  • Blend your voice with others; experience harmony
  • Expand your musicianship and vocal skills
  • Deepen your cultural understanding and spiritual connection
  • Improve your feeling of social well being
  • Reduce your stress and elevate your mood
  • Everyone sounds great when singing with a choir!